Category: Landscape Traditional Art
Posted: November 14, 2023

Painting of a Beautiful Mountain Scene

Secret Hideaway

by Jewell McChesney Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Traditional Artwork of the Month Contest Entry 
Some of my favorite places to paint, are places I used to visit in Colorado when I lived out west.
I would hop in my car and take a jaunt up to the mountains and find little back roads. They held all the secrets.
I would find a cabin and stay alone, hearing the water flowing at night and all the night sounds would serenade me to sleep and wake me in the morning as well. I would write my best poetry and songs lyrics there. Took the most beautiful shots of scenery and even met a cowboy or two. They build the best campfires. :)

If I had a secret hideaway, it would look like this.

This is 18" X 24" acrylic on canvas
It?s still available.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None |

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Secret Hideaway by Jewell McChesney
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