Category: Nature Photography
Posted: February 9, 2024

Full bloom and bright light

Amaryllis in Backlight

by bpellephoto Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Photograph of the Month Contest Entry 
I shot this using a 90mm Macro lens @ f/2.8 which allowed a 1/1000 shutter release. Even at this speed I used a tripod and manually focused the image. The reason I took this shot was because the bright sun light amplified the internal structures of the petals so well. The light gave a gossamer appearance to the petals with sharply delineated petal edges. The narrow focusing box didn't do much for the anthers or stamin, but it wasn't about them anyway. Since taking this shot all four blossoms have opened.
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | A digital camera,
combined with good light,
and a smidgeon of forethought.

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Amaryllis in Backlight by bpellephoto
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