Category: Expressive Photography
Posted: May 29, 2024

mirror view of travel


by CREZart Interested in this? Contact The Artist

What FanArtReview Means To YOU phot Contest Winner 
What does FanArt means to me? It is a place to meet other people accross my country and around the world. People with totally different stories, lives and backgrounds but that have a connecting thread for the love of the arts and photography. Similarly to music these arts cross those bridges and bring us together with what we each see as beauty. This shot shows looking forward, backward or simply in the present there is always something interesting to see. We need to enjoy it because it will all be in the rear view mirror way too soon. I thought the printed warning was appropriate. "Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear"
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: Minor | Cropped, spot removal, brightness and contrast adjustments

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Entwined by CREZart
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