Category: Nature Photography
Posted: June 6, 2024

The pollinating industry illustrated

Creating Blackberries

by bpellephoto Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Recently I had the pleasure of reviewing a couple of post with a solid black background that was added during post processing. The extreme contrast caught my eye, and I wondered if I could capture that solid unencumbered blacker than black background without the assistance of post processing editing? Accepting the challenge, I took a series of shots, and this take is as close as I came to the goal. A little perspective on scale is in order. The blossom is native Blackberry and, at their fullest they are about 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter. The insect is less than half that. This capture was not by happenstance, I guessed I would need a small subject with a high contrast value and a dark homogenous background. To meet the need I used a macro lens to get really, really close. Enjoy... Bob
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | 5D, 90mm 1:1 Macro
f/10, 1/1000 s., 800 ISO,
K=4950, Handheld, AF/On,
IS/NA, RAW > JPG, Uncropped

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Creating Blackberries by bpellephoto
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