Category: Nature Photography
Posted: June 9, 2024

Vanessa atalanta

Red Admiral

by bpellephoto Interested in this? Contact The Artist

I had just finished taking several shots of the pollinators in the azalea when out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of orange. As I turned in the direction of the orange movement, I saw this Red Admiral Butterfly - first one I've seen. And this one was moving away. I was calm enough to select "C-3" on the mode dial. C-3 is a preprogrammed technique for fast exposure, max sensor sensitivity at an ISO flirting at the edge of Quantum Mottle. C-3 saved the day, for this was the only shot I got. The near wing tip is a little soft. I like this species alternating B&W segmented antennae - look like Q-tips gone terribly mad... Bob
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | 5D, 70-300 @ 300,
f/5.6, 1/4000 s., 1000 ISO,
Handheld, Exp Comp +2,
Exp Bias -.3, RAW conv in
CR2, crop & resize in P/S
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Red Admiral by bpellephoto
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