Category: Nature Photography
Posted: June 18, 2024

A flourishing lotus in its peak and prime stage.

Sacred Blossom

by soulfeeder Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Outside Photos Contest Entry 
 You can own this for $150.00.    Information.
Pause once a in a while and just be intimate with nature. Take a moment a get out of the house. You'll come home refreshed after enjoying a scene like this. A flourishing lotus. Do not say later because sometimes you only have that moment. They're pretty fleeting. As the saying goes "Seize that Moment".
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: Minor | converted background to dark, resized, cropped and slight cloning just the stem. The blossom is unedited.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.
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Sacred Blossom by soulfeeder
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