Category: Seasonal Digital Art
Posted: July 7, 2024

Fireflies and Meteor Shower

Summer Magic

by helvi2 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Summer Art Contest Contest Entry 
This image was created with my imagination and AI. It was heavily edited by me. I took it apart and put it together again. It had too many meteors which I cloned out and fireflies, that were as big as butterflies, that were also cloned out. I also cloned out two human skulls that were on the ground. Have no idea what AI was thinking when it added those. I separated both the trees and children from each other and the background, embossed them separately and added shadows I wanted to give this a 3D look. I also cut out the jar and added a red lid with beaming light flowing out of the air holes in the lid. The background was darkened to let the glow of the fireflies prevail. When I do AI images I want a lot of my special touches within the image. My aim is to always try and make the image better than how it was presented to me. I hope you enjoy my Summer image of the Perseid meteor shower and kids collecting fireflies! :o) Helvi
Post Type: Digital Art Digital Composition | | Computer Generated | cut out border of tree and kids, cloned out at least a half a dozen oversized fireflies and about the same number of meteors in heavy meteor shower. cloned out 2 skulls on ground. (separated kids from background and trees - gave them a slight embossing and added shadow) embossed the trees and gave them shadows, cut out jar of fireflies slightly embossed, brightened and added red cover to jar and added beams of light shining out of air holes in the lid, slightly embossed sky background, AI created but heavily edited and redesigned

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Summer Magic by helvi2
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