Category: Nature Photography
Posted: July 13, 2024

Hybridized Daylily

Orange Punch

by helvi2 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

This is a daylily I hybridized myself. I never really liked the orange daylily, till one day I discovered daylilies come in a lot of colors. This was a cross between a red and orange daylily. I was going for the ruffled edges and got a bonus of the burgundy eye. I calledl it Orange Punch because it looks like a daylily with a black eye! Love the different shades of orange in it and the bit of color it picked up on the edges ( not counting the outline I added) Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy! :o) Helvi
Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Medium | cut out flower and saved, added outlines and shadow and new stem, overlaid it on new background.... Background changed to white and green gradient, used radial foil filter on it, used soft edges then overlaid on blurred original background
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Orange Punch by helvi2
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