Category: Landscape Photography
Posted: September 19, 2024

Fireworks on July 4 over Lake of the Woods

O're the Land of the Free

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Summer Photograph Contest Entry 
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This photo was taken at Lake of the Woods on July 4, 2024. This was one of many photos I took at my first attempt at photographing fireworks. I learned a trick on you tube that you can take a black card and hold it to the lens after a firework burst, until the next firework burst, while in bulb mode. This catches in the image multiple firework bursts of color. I also create more dramatic colors in the sky by adjusting the highlights and dehazing the image in LrC. I had a hard time getting the shoreline image of trees to be bright enough without washing out the sky and color of the fireworks.
Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Medium | With this photo I made more dramatic colors in the sky to add an extra punch making this photo something different from the original. I had a hard time getting the shoreline image of trees to be bright enough without washing out the sky and color of the fireworks.

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O're the Land of the Free
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