Category: Nature Photography
Posted: September 25, 2024

Colaptes auratus

Return of the N. Flicker

by bpellephoto Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Photograph of the Month Contest Entry 
This is the male of the species. I am familiar with two types of these birds. This N. Flicker is the Yellow Stripe variety, (The stripe is only visible when the wings are extended). The other found in the mid-west is the Blue Stripe N. Flicker. They are listed in the guidebooks along with woodpeckers. However, this pigeon sized bird spends the majority of its time foraging for insects on the ground. The female has a smaller red patch and no black on the chest or cheeks. They are vagabonds for they come and go on no regular or predictable timetable. An intelligent looking bird, don't you think... Bob
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | 50D, 70-300 @ 160mm
f/9, 1/200 s., ISO 1000
AF/IS-On, Handheld
4350K, Not cropped, no post
production adjustments,
As shot, Resized for FAR.

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Return of the N. Flicker by bpellephoto
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