Category: Nature Photography
Posted: December 9, 2024

After a long day,of play time to relax.

Redily sleepy!

by Debra Harris Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Photograph of the Month Contest Entry 
This is a young male red panda that i was a daily caregiver to. He was always on the go and later becoming an escape artist. Climbing around like a monkey and as fast as the speed of light. So to capture this fellow at a quiet moment was rare. I was lucky because I got this in the evening after dinner!
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | This is Pabu the prince of pounce taking a break. I was blessed to be an animal caregiver for many years. He is one of my string that I cared for. Very rambunctious little fellow. After a long day of play. He ate his fill then crashed out for his nightly nap. So I opened his pen gate and took the picture.

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Redily sleepy! by Debra Harris
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