Category: Expressive Photography
Posted: January 10, 2025

as I Fix my Hats' W/🙂👀😎🤠

hey 2 HATS r BETTER than 😎🤠

by shore1inspire. Interested in this? Contact The Artist

oops shift button on might not post ?. as my first emf hat i lost and stuck when the therapy table faced my windows but a few months sweat line destroy it so Iron on a 90 dollar hat that means so much to MY STORY. I HOPE YOU CAN LAYGH a Lil as i try to laugh a lot despite what anyone says listen to all then make your own mind up lil weird guy with opRA scammer TRUE fake BELIEVERS in GOD.TRUEMY OPINION ONLY READ and Make UP your Mind 4 YOUR Life no one else will DO IT 4 U. ALWAYS,:=-) Ron
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | IORN ons and trow on therapy table downsize to a 10 instaed of 100 as 1 is to small and blank out start over so 1 way for me to get a FUNNY one out as I PLAY to cold outside freeze not broke YET ha ha.
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hey 2 HATS r BETTER than 😎🤠 by shore1inspire.
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