Category: Nature Photography
Posted: February 4, 2025

Sturnus Vulgaris

European Starlings

by bpellephoto Interested in this? Contact The Artist

The European Starling is not indigenous to the Americas. In 1890 & 1891 Eugene Schieffelin and a few of his like-minded William Shakespeare devotees thought it right and proper that America should have all the birds that the Bard ever mentioned. Too that end Eugene, and all his Shakespeare enthusiast gathered in New York's Central Park and let loose 100 European Starlings. How about this for a contest - "Your Favorite Shakespeare Bird Photo Contest". And just to make it interesting, each entry must provide a quote in their Long Description that specifically speaks of the bird - Naaaaa!... Bob
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | 50D, 70-300 @ 300mm, K=5000,
f/5.6, 1/4000 s., ISO 1000, AF-Off,
IS-Off, Handheld, Exp Comp. +2,
Pattern Metering, RAW conversion
in CR.2.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.
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European Starlings by bpellephoto
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