Category: Pets Traditional Art
Posted: February 7, 2025

My first and favorite pet, Gris.


Pet Art Contest Contest Entry 
I initially created this piece in honor of my dog, but also as a gift to my family who also experienced losing him. It ended up meaning a lot to me because I never got to say goodbye to my best friend before he passed. I also did not have a photo to use for his "offrenda", an alter, for Day of The Dead, but now I do. This piece is nothing but the love I had for my baby, Gris.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: Minor | I%20sketched%20my%20dog%20grey%20out%20just%20before%20he%20passed.%20Then%20I%20added%20an%20under%20painting%20with,%20acrylic,%20Burnt%20Sienna.%20I%20finished%20off%20by%20adding%20the%20base%20colors%20and%20details%20such%20as%20fur,%20highlights,%20and%20shadows%20to%20his%20face%20and%20body.

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Gris by Valentina Gutierrez-Bedoy
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