Category: Drawing Traditional Art
Posted: February 12, 2025

Damage from April 16, 2011 Eastern North Carolina

Where to begin...

by Devonte Baker Interested in this? Contact The Artist

I'M BACK!! My apologies for being gone so long. I have been busy working. But I'm going to get back to drawing. Tornadoes are something that I always draw but I'm going to touch on something a little bit different and that is being more detail and drawing more then just the tornado itself but all that comes with it such as damage from and different views from it. Here this is from April 16, 2011. On this day Eastern North Carolina had it's worse tornado outbreak since the 1980s. A record 31 tornadoes touched down that day. 13 of those tornadoes were rated an EF 2 and 3 (those being considered major tornadoes). Jacksonville, NC got hit with an EF3 tornado. It caused a lot of damage. Here in the picture you can see all of the tree damage it caused snapping, uprooting and even started de-barking some of the trees. Yes, and even "twisting" some of the trees like twislers candy sticks.
Post Type: Mixed Media Traditional Art
Mixed Media: Medium | Color pencils and pencils
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Where to begin... by Devonte Baker
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