Category: Expressive Photography
Posted: March 23, 2025

A day on the Blue Ridge

A Thousand Words

by Jack Moore Interested in this? Contact The Artist

This is one reason why I like to visit the mountains because you never know what kind of view you might come across. One thing for sure is the mountains have surly had their share of bad luck lately with the hurricane which came in their with total destruction of many towns and now they are fighting fires in various places, seems like they cannot catch a break. I just wonder what it will look like when I get a chance to go back. But I hope and pray for all of those people who put their life on the line everyday to keep the beauty where we can just come up for a day or two to enjoy life for a little bit and get out of lifes rat race for a little while.
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: Minor | Just took a picture with my new camera
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A Thousand Words by Jack Moore
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