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Learn from feedback that will be written on everything you post. Share your photography or art.
Enter contests for free. Over $5,000 in cash prizes will be awarded this year. That includes the Man Touched Landscape Photos with a deadline . And the Something Old Photo Contest with a deadline . Don't miss Black & White Art Contest with a deadline . View the full listing. All contests with cash prizes are free to enter with your membership.
A community for artists and photographers. All skill levels welcomed.
Make sales quickly and easily by selling your photos or art. No need to create a web page or blog and promote it. When you post your work, if you wish to sell it, simply enter the price to sell it for.
You keep your copyright and all rights to your posted work. You are free, and encouraged, to sell your work to others, post it with others or do whatever you wish. Details.

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Contests Approaching

Cash Prizes
Black & White Art Contest

Man Touched Landscape Photos

Still Life Art Contest

Fun For You

Macro Art

Lights And Shadows - Art

View All Contests

Today's Art & Photo Prompts

The Color Red - Photography
Share a photograph that uses the color red.

The Color Red - Art
Paint (or use some other form of traditional or digital art such as crayon, pencil, computer etc..) to create artwork that uses the color red.