Reviews from

Land and Sea

Viewing comments for Page 62 "Urban Crowding"
land and seascapes

32 total reviews 
Comment from rscsjessamine

Interesting abstracted urban image the black and grey colours help to create the feeling of overcrowding in the modern city, would make a great illustration or book cover.Good work.

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2010

Comment from flanders

I've looked at this work for ages and really like it. Trouble is I don't know why yet. I'm still looking at the work and I'm amazed at the impact it's had on me.
Love the colour and shading

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 Comment Written 09-Jul-2010

Comment from Ross Albert

Great image. I like the sense of heat radiating from the crowd of people, like an infra-red photo, driving home the intensity of too many people too close together. If that sun is setting, it's going to be a hot night in the city.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2010

Comment from Cephus

Interesting impression with the forms of the formless people mirrored by the buildings in the background all crammed together at the end of another day.

Creative and interesting.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2010

Comment from Dando104

I really like this piece. It looks to me like a cityscape with people meeting around a fire of some sort infront of that backdrop. I really like how the shape of the people mimic the various hieghts of the buildings. It provides a continuity between the two, almost unrelated, subjects. I think it might have been interesting to see the whole image in black and white since the only real color is in the shapes at the bottom of the piece which really should have been continued somewhere in the skyline or made it all black and white to balance out the piece.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2010

Comment from cmoisel

I love this composition
Love all the lines used
Love the colours and the contrasts
Love the plane and the sun shining behind the buildings
Very eye catching
Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2010

Comment from bkrh4

Very neat. Nice strong statement. I love the faceless people of the city. Well done. Good colour choice and nice job with the buildings. One definitely gets a sense of distance in those buildings. Good work.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2010

Comment from Hotshot

I think l know who you are, only one people can do this remarkable job of urbanism, l love the big city with a plane in the background, nice touch of details.
Great presentation with the people on the front, look busy hour at the end of the day. Excellent for the contest, my best wish to you.
Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2010

Comment from vipshehan-Nikon

Nice creative work here with good initial impact and nice detail. The story telling ability is good and it holds the attention of the viewer.

Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2010

Comment from David Ruhl

Well, the title certainly fits!

The abstract people in the foreground mixed with the more detailed background is the opposite of what we expect to see, but I think it's a very creative idea and it helps convey the message of over-crowding.

I think most of us, while walking down a crowded street, are more likely to notice the buildings around us, while the faces of the people we pass are just a blur.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2010