Reviews from

The Music of the Night

My version of The Phantom Of the Opera

23 total reviews 
Comment from lippi1

wow Cleo...
I am loving this...
I see it says you did this on ArtRage...I had that program once not sure if I can still get it but I am pretty sure you used a newer version...looks like you really do well with that program...I don't get on often because of school but I am really glad I chose today to take a peak...this is absolutely it...

 Comment Written 15-Aug-2011

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2011
    Nice to hear from you again. Thank you for your kind review and the surprise of the high rating. I am honored. I tought I never would get another review on this, especially a so high rated.
    This was painted in ArtRage 3.0.5 i am still using. It is not a free version. They have still the free version out as download and a newer one than mine with payment coming as download with an back up disk. It's still not very expensive for this kind of program, still under a $US 100.- for all I know. Best to go on line and check. Best buy for what I know direct at the company Ambient Design. Hope that helps. Cleo
Comment from ArtyLin

This is so well done.
I particularly like the way you have paid more attention to the facial portraits,and less to the surrouning areas.
It makes the faces stand out more.Christines face is so beautifully portayed.
This is my favourite of all the musicals,anyway-the music is so lovely.

 Comment Written 23-Sep-2010

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2010
    Thank you for your compassionate review and the generous high rating. I am honored.
reply by the author on 23-Sep-2010
    Thank you for your compassionate review and the generous high rating. I am honored.
Comment from ameliedim

Very nice composition,
a bit spooky too.
I like the colours and the brush storkes,
very good story telling abilities,
good luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 23-Sep-2010

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2010
    Thank you, I appreciate your compassionate review and your kind wishes very much.
Comment from Beastmaster

Love this... the way you got her eyes is fantastic, and the phantoms mask is better than the real life half mask. The cobolt background colours work well to this, i like all of it, you have done very good work.

 Comment Written 23-Sep-2010

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2010
    Thank you for your kind review and for liking the mask. I took artists licence on the mask. I like the look but it is impossible for a stage play. Nobody is able to sing with a mask as this.
reply by Beastmaster on 23-Sep-2010
    I gather lol, sometimes viewing is better than haven't hear me sing huh lol.
reply by the author on 24-Sep-2010
    That's in the EAR of the beholder.
Comment from kanagraj

Really excellent work. Nice angle and lithting and composing. Good harmony for the characters. Excellent presentation. Good technique and impact. Over all lovely and apprecitable.

 Comment Written 23-Sep-2010

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2010
    Thank you very much for your inspiring review.
Comment from Sandra c. valentini

this piece has an air of mystique. i like it. painting on a black canvas relly gives it a woe. my only critique is. you have used so much detail in the face that it emphasizes the lack of it in the womans clothing, flowers and arm

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2010

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2010
    Thank you for your inspiring review. I have to admit that the emphasis I put on the faces and the gradually softening details are painted this way in purpose. I even changed from oil to watercolor tools to get this effect. I wanted the impression of the life face and lifeless mask in the center of interest.
Comment from donkeyoatey

I like everything about this..the colors, the abstract look of the flowers, and the tilt of her chin. You should be doing the promotion posters for this musical. Donkeyoatey

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2010

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2010
    Thank you very much for your inspiring review. I like your tought of the promotion posters.
Comment from lorac1

That is a lovely digital painting. The piece has strong intitial im pacr. The colorful young lady is the center of interest. She is painted with beautiful color and detail. The man behind her looks sinister, which gives the picture a great deal of storytelling ability.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2010

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2010
    Thank you, I appreciate your throughout review very much.
Comment from Pauljk

Very nice picture which has a lovely mix in both tone and contrast. I like the phantom being in b&W as he appears more sinister next to the colourful woman. The background helps accentuate the main scene and the blurring of the flowers works really well. Paul

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2010

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2010
    Thank you for your encouraging review. the flowers got a very mixed response like/don't like. Wile the main picture is painted with the digital oil tools the flowers are painted with watercolors.
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2010
    Thank you, I appreciate your compassionate review very much.
Comment from AlienVoyager

It's a creative choice for the competition. Great idea to approach the 'Night' theme. I like the title and the image,it looks classy enough. Nice colors and brush strokes in general. Good eye for details. Wish you the best for the competition.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2010

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2010
    Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging review.
reply by the author on 22-Sep-2010
    Thank you I appreciate your review and your kind wishes very much.