Reviews from

Land and Sea

Viewing comments for Page 44 "The Beauty of Nature"
land and seascapes

53 total reviews 
Comment from b_photo

charming! extraordinary spectacle of colors and emotions ...on other side balance , peace ,harmony ...

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2013

Comment from amfunny

This is so pretty and has the same title of one of my pieces of art from way back when. Awesome colors. Great composition. I love it.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2013

Comment from Glen Spey

I love what the sun can do to a sky, I always makes beautiful light!

This is a nice piece of art, nice color, good details, very crisp and bright!

I wish you would have ran the water more through the picture and had less sand. It that is sand!

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2012
    Thank you for taking the time to view and review, Glen!! Very much appreciated. :)
Comment from stleonardmom

Peaceful and serene. Lovely soft colors. All blend well together to create a peaceful landscape. There is just enough detail in the trees for realism, but not enough to take away from the overall softness of the image. Nice leading lines as well to draw the eye to the solitary figure in the distance.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2012
    Thank you ever so much, stleonardmom. I see that you just joined in July. Welcome to FAR :)
Comment from photosbyted

Made me look twice is it rreal or a fantacy from some ones mind good work and thank you for sharing with us.


 Comment Written 20-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2012
    Thank you ever so much, Ted, for taking the time to view and review--no pun intended :) I really appreciate it.
Comment from Anne

The way you have done it the sky in this is stunning. I like the way you have the river with the person in the canoe. I like the way you have the trees and the bird in the picture. I think this would have been better if you had cropped a little off of the bottom.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2012
    Thank you so very very much, Anne. Seeings I don't work with photos, I'm not used to having to crop, so didn't even think about that. Again, thank you and thank you for taking the time to review this for me. :)
Comment from MKFlood

a good capture. the depth is great. the blend of color is good. the shading is good nice detail work..its tough enough to compete against fellow artist but a computer too..oh well just put me a museum..ill be the guy doing the cavemen drawings on the this is a great creation and ovrall great job and good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2012
    You're so funny :) Anyway, caveman drawings are worth a lot of money, lol. Thank you so much for the wonderful review :)
Comment from Mara del Mar

Wonderful landscape, radiant colors, great tones variety and beauty. Lovely reflections and harmony. Somewhat melancholy, this solo sailor of sunset. I love.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2012
    Thank you so very very much, Mara!! :)
Comment from willie

Nice work!
This is really a pretty scene! I love the colors and the story being told. This looks like it would be hard to do at least for me. I only use a camera. Good job!

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2012
    Thank you ever so much for the beautiful review, Willie. Very very much appreciated. :)
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

This is a nice digital composition of nature. Excellent colouring and balance!. The light, colour and the composition have worked well. Good luck in the contest!

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2012
    Actually, Seshadri, in digital terms, it's a digital painting, but I think I know what you mean by composition. A digital composition is art made up of photos, clipart, and a combination of things, etc. I'm sure you probably knew that. LOL.
    Thank you so very very much for the super review, and thank you also for the good luck wish. I deeply appreciate it. :)
reply by seshadri_sreenivasan on 20-Oct-2012
    Well. I was't sure of the subtle difference. I think that I put them under the same bracket! I personally feel that digital art must be separated from the fine art such as a hand made painting.It's like comparing apples and oranges.But that does't take the credit away from the beauty you have created.
reply by the author on 20-Oct-2012
    You're absolutely right. There's no comparison when it comes to traditional having more monitary and lasting value. Like I mentioned to someone the other day. What are all the digi artists going to do when PC's become obsolete? LOL. Me, I'll go back to my oils, acrylics, and wonderful brushes.
    PS: I didn't take your comment personally, just wanted you to know I don't use photos or clipart in my work, and I thank you so much again. :)