Reviews from

Land and Sea

Viewing comments for Page 25 "Water Polution"
land and seascapes

37 total reviews 
Comment from Sessybon

Simple but effective. Everything looks lovely in the garden until you realise the tree has died and you see the rusty can floating in the water. Great representations of flowers with wispy white seed heads, vibrant red blooms and delicate white and purple flowers. A simple palette with good color highlights. Thank you for sharing and good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2014
    Sessybon, thank you!! ^o^
Comment from ramonafrances

Interesting concept. Your image held my attention. Lots of believable detail here. I respect your talent.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2014
    Thank you ever so much, Romona :)
Comment from Life is but a dream.

Shockingly crystal clear eliciting an OH WOW instantly.

Your handling of brushes, layers, filters can be seen and is masterful. The colours pop, the harmony is perfect, the gradient behind is sublime. I even like the border!

I have nothing more to add as this is a winner in my eyes. Beautiful, enviable work here.

 Comment Written 14-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2014
    Lifeisbutadream, thank you so very, very much, and thank you for the wonderful extra stars. Very encouraging. :)
Comment from debparks10

This is a very beautiful and creative piece of art. Even on the computer screen, I feel as though I could reach out and touch it. Thank you for sharing your work. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 14-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2014
    Deb, thank you ever so much. :)
Comment from Regina E.H-Ariel

Excellent composition, I love the purity that shines from this work, seems a place in paradise that oh well has been exposed to human failure of respect and love for life - this single subject says it all,. Not wanted and just lanced into the natural resource we all need - your flowers are striking , the entire impression is enlightened , you show that the trash even is reaching such a far Island a great message in a wonderful design, super color range, warm and beautiful lighting, well done , all the best of luck

 Comment Written 14-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2014
    Thank you, Regina! :)
Comment from Joelgraphuchin

This is very beautiful. The color, texture, and composition are great. I can see and enjoy every detail of this painting. well done. Thanks for sharing such this wonderful art work.

 Comment Written 14-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2014
    Joel, thank you!! ^o^
Comment from MKFlood

nice rich colors. the detail is great. the depth is great. the flowers forms and the sewage around it is great. the blend of color is awsome. the creation is balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. creative and great job overall(clapping)

 Comment Written 14-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2014
    MK, thank you dear heart!! ^o^
Comment from Lmsmith

Excellent statement here with the title. Shows how something so beautiful is just ruined by the waste of the world. Destroying what beauty is here on a daily basis and just not caring many of them. Great statement and wonderful piece of art.

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2014
    Thank you so very much, LM! ^o^
reply by Lmsmith on 14-Dec-2014
    You are welcome and good luck.
Comment from BrentSisson

Jaw dropping beauty is intruded upon by man's floating trash. A stunning digital image of unsurpassed beauty and a poignant message all tied up in the overall scene. The water before the lily pads looks brackish, like an oil slick. This is exceptionally well done and will be next to impossible to beat in the contest, I wager. Good luck in the contest. I would give a six if I had one. :)

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2014
    Thank you ever so much, Brent. And the you for the thought on the six. Very very much appreciated. ^o^
reply by BrentSisson on 14-Dec-2014
    You are most welcome.
Comment from Adam_Landry

I like the message of this painting. I live in Louisiana, so I've seen this scene before. The colors really work well, and I especially like the gray water. Very nice piece.

 Comment Written 13-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2014
    Adam, thank you so very very much. ^o^