Reviews from

A cute look

it sprayed before coming to say hello.

15 total reviews 
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

This is a very cute visual of this lion looking through the fence. I think he wants to eat someone. Composition, shades, tones, colors, and overall presentation is very well done. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
    hello again,
    to early as I Did not get him to lick his mouth but did get him to talk,
    i know how to use my android to grab video's lately putting stuff out there other places around the GLOBE :-
    frozen again, Thank You for your REview.
Comment from alaskapat

This tells the story of captivity, the lion looking out through the fence is well captured with good focus, this image is clear, exposure is correct. Colors and tones appear true and natural. Well composed and presented!

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
    good morning PAT,
    I Hope you are doing well this weekend staying WARM .
    yes some bigger ones the DOUBLE but many you maty pet if thy come to you. words i have not heard in some time as i tried to learn here the FIRST Time around, need a good program for the ap speed and other things but the t_6 should get me better low light early morning pictuers i used to take until the cameras tweaked by the cloud services ? odd things over years i cant explain right .
    Thank You for Highlighting things that some want to see but most just dont know YET ? life is a LEARNInG Experience as you must enjoy it up there.
    Thank You,
    See you Next Year, ha ha
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

Well, without the fence, I don't think we will find him cute! :) . You framed it well, and the light, shadows, colours, and composition worked well. Good effort!

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 28-Dec-2024
    well looks like I cant stop now, but i see far say fill n all before saving. probably not no breakfast yet. :-) maybe he was smelling if i would be a good one to eat. no he was to cute WAKING UP. LATE
    Thank You for Your Kind Review.
Comment from orchidrn

A beautiful animal behind the fence which unfortunately obliterates his true appearance. The camera settings can be changed to blur out the fence and thus focusing on the lions face itself.

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 Comment Written 26-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2024
Comment from Molly Torsvik

Lion you are fabled animal
The king of the wild jungle
You are known as mighty one
You are the feared by many
Your roar is loud and scary
It echoes arround and arround
through the prairies and safaris
the forests, woods and mountains
The animals are frightened
They run and try to escape
fearing for their lives
You follow them in pursuit
Hungry, hungry for a meal
This is your survival way
A hard, hard way to live
You have a majestic look
With your golden hair manes
It shows pride and authority
It attracts female lioness
Your jaw and canine teeth
are strong truly crushing
At daylight you are at rest
having much needed long nabs
At the dim darkness of night
you are awake and much ready
scouting for a prey to catch
Long live you fabulous lion
You legendary animal of fame

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2024

reply by the author on 17-Dec-2024
    he he I WILL look Back When I HAVE time to relax to take it in better. :-)
Comment from Envision

That is a cute expression on his face. Such a bummer that you can't get around the fence. Makes me appreciate the set up of our zoos around where I live, but there are some animals that are behind fences and netting that is difficult if not impossible to get around. I like how you got a clear shot of the eyes and that you timed a great expression.

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 22-Dec-2024
    yes it was, a early morning but his food was not there yet but all was quiet in the park but crazy how many peacocks where walking around Hey had a new addition but I have not been out in the woods that way lately. double fences on the cats and bear you dont see. popcorn park zoo Bamber lake nj. i remember THE BRONX zoo as a child. priceless a camera in had as NATURE wakes up in captive but they are threatened better than the past as they are old here as people don't want the old stuff. to bad i miss the old ways.
Comment from GaliaG

yes, cute, since he can not hurt you, since I think he look at you like you are food

excellent focus, details, light handling and story telling

thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 21-Dec-2024
Comment from nikman

Pretty good zoo shot posted here! Think the expression on the face is indicative of an incarcerated animal. Please do not conclude that I am anti zoo because I am not! Your image is well composed, has good exposure and is sharp. Well done!

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 21-Dec-2024
    😎 sorry nick a bit late.
Comment from MKFlood

he says stick your finger thru the fence he wants to lick it..wink..lolol. the clarity is great. the angle of the shot of big cat eyeballing you thru the fence great. the capture of the light is great. the image is balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. good eye and great job overall

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 21-Dec-2024
Comment from Susan F. M. T.

Ron, A great picture of the elderly Lion checking you out & maybe enjoying his reflection in your lens. Beautiful composition, framing & lighting taken with superb camera techniques & sharp focus.

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 21-Dec-2024