Reviews from

BD Card Cover for Daughter

Birthday card for middle daughter

21 total reviews 
Comment from Malmax

What a great and inspiring card you made here Mark!
I'm sure it will make a wonderful Birthday Wish for your Daughter who loves cats! I'm a cat lover also and can relate a bit to the backstory. The text, message, and colors are all
wonderful and a very nice compliment to each other.
Keep on Drawing RL! (wink)

 Comment Written 12-Sep-2020

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2020
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from mamamary

She will cherish these hand made cards the older she gets. I would much rather have something like this that takes time and effort than a bought gift. You may have bought a gift too, but you know what I mean. Hallmark cards are very expensive, but this is priceless.

 Comment Written 11-Sep-2020

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2020
    She turned 36. However your right..she requested for this design since she is a cat lover. Thanks for the great review
reply by mamamary on 15-Sep-2020
    My pleasure!
Comment from avmurray

I am sure your daughter will love this card Mark, and you are quite right about the prize of commercial cards. I especially like your limited color pallet, and the way the cat at the bottom is peeping out. Wonder what the cats found out ?

As always this is done paying very good attention to details, and I also like the drop shadows you have added to the text because it creates such a fine depth.

The format is perfect and both the cats and the text has got a fine placement within the frame. A different and funny birthday card Mark, and really well done.

 Comment Written 11-Sep-2020

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2020
    Thanks AV for the great review
reply by avmurray on 15-Sep-2020
    You are more than welcome Mark.
Comment from Raoul D'Harmental

Hi MKFlood

What a stunning idea it is to create cards for your kids. One I hope to copy if I should ever be blessed with children too. Hope the recipient was delighted with this. It s very humorous!


 Comment Written 11-Sep-2020

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2020
    Been doing that for decades..wink. thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Artistsushma

Beautiful artwork....I simply love your gesture of making beautiful birthday cards for your loved has a personal touch...this card is amazing... six cool cats in it with adorable expressions and poses...composition is very good... overall very nice....

 Comment Written 11-Sep-2020

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2020
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from FBI GUY

You have be a fun grandfather. The clever idea of making you kids and grandkids cards is a fun idea. Surprised you didn't do it before. The colors and the script style is great. Bold, bright and full of cats. That is if you are a cat lover. Mine would be puppies. I have always thought about your and how cool your art is but I also wondered is this is your vocation or just a very cool hobby? Just wondering!

 Comment Written 10-Sep-2020

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2020
    Been doing it for decades for the kids..I only posted a few of em here on FAR over the years. Thanks for the great review
Comment from Lucien van Oosten

It works the colors and the composition, I am sure your daughter fell in love with the card.
a little tight around the edges, but overall a very effective card.

Take care and be safe.

 Comment Written 23-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2020
    Giving it to her today. Thanks Lucien for the great review
Comment from helvi2

Mark, I so LOVED your notes I almost forgot to look at the card! LOL I love the sense of humor in the card. I have the feeling your daughter is going to absolutely LOVE this! Now that I've seen the whole card I was wondering... did the cake they baked have catnip in it? Did it resemble a mouse or look like one of them? Sorry....I couldn't help myself! :o)The simple joy of this card is worth a six all by itself!
Off the Charts! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 22-Aug-2020
    They packed all the canned cat food together and with their lil paws they molded this cake..I smeared on the frosting and the one grinning next to the cake plopped this mouse on top of it. Like he did all the work. Humph! All he did is catch the mouse...makes ya wonder did it really happen now huh? Wink. Glad you enjoy it and thanks for the awesome review
reply by helvi2 on 23-Aug-2020
    You're most welcome Mark! Thank you for the cake making story! LOL :o)
    By the way Congrats on winning the Fantasy Art Contest! Way to go!
reply by the author on 23-Aug-2020
    glad ya liked and thank you on the contgrats..i got lucky this time..wink
Comment from Tootie H2O

This is a fun card. I make cards by had now to because I feel the same way about Hallmark ($10 bucks for a card is ridiculous and they dont share with their artists) Plus I bet no one would throw away one of your cards!

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 22-Aug-2020
    years ago Hallmark had a contest for best creative card. they offered $1000 prize too...wooohooo..till i read the small print that the winner will be sent to the Hallmark training school that cost $1500 and the $1000 prize would be applied to it..whatta a contest and pass those assholes $500. i sent them a nasty email telling them what they can do with themselves. they probably trashed my email..wink..oh btw i just posted the inside cover to this one if you want to check out the punchline..wink thanks for the great review.
Comment from michiganmike

I shudder to think of what the cat might know besides the arrival of your daughter's birthday. A nice looking card for a special occasion. I am a little late, but wish her the best anyway.

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 22-Aug-2020
    i just posted the inside cover that will answer that question..check it out..wink. thanks Mike for the great review.