Reviews from

The Final Visit

Bohemian Waxwing final visit

27 total reviews 
Comment from jaclynrose614

This belongs in a National Geographic magazine! This is a stunning picture. You can see all of the unique markings on the bird like the red around the face and the yellow tip on the tail feathers. Beautiful.

 Comment Written 24-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 26-Jan-2021
    Thank you so vety much for your kind and supportive comments and review!
Comment from kmoss

What a pretty picture! I love the point of view on this one. It seems as if he knows the "paparazzi" is watching him. Lol. The snow and berries really add to this photo.

 Comment Written 24-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 26-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much for your lovely review!
Comment from iPhone7

I saw this one last week and I think think this is one of the best photos of a Bohemian waxwing I have seen. I wanted to wait until I had a six to award this wonderful image.

The sharp focus and colors are spot on. I especially like how the background blends with the color of the bird which in this case makes for a more impressive image.

Everything about this photo is top notch. Bravo ~ Steve

 Comment Written 24-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 26-Jan-2021
    Thank you so very much Steve , for your wonderful comments ! I am truly honored by your six star rating!
Comment from Lucas Sizov

My dear friend, I've been waiting for this privilege to honor your amazing photo with the medal ð??? and the highest rating! Absolutely fabulous shot of Bohemian Waxwing. Your remark "final visit" gives a little nostalgic attitude. I like that extra feeling! So many shades of gray and bright accent of yellow and red! I'm speechless ð??? the falling snowflakes are visible! This one is my favorite! Every aspect is so perfect! Thanks for being a perfect reviewer. I'm happy to have you as my friend!!!

 Comment Written 24-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 26-Jan-2021
    Thank you so very much my friend! I appreciate your wonderful and very well written comments and review and I am truly honored by your six star rating!
Comment from MKFlood

interesting capture. the clarity is great. the angle of the shot of this colorful bird is great. the capture of the light is great. the image is balance and eye appealing to the viewer. good eye and great job overall.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much Mark!
Comment from Wolfdancer13

What a beauty to have framed so up close, the strengths of his intent gaze so affecting to the mood and tone of the shot. The stilled snow lends an atmospheric presence to match his disposition. Love the touch of red tones that flows diagonally through the frame. This shot speaks to the senses.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2021
    Thank you so very much for your wonderful comments and review!
Comment from Brady Nielson

Hey there Pat!
What a beautiful creation you have captured here! The birds feathers look so soft, the details definitely shine through! The wintery backdrop is perfect, thanks for the share!

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2021
    Thank you so very much Brady!
Comment from Lauryl Dawn

You have a skill with capturing beauty behind a lens. I love the overall composition. This could be a wonderful holiday card. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful craftsmanship!

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2021
    Thank you so much Lauryl, I appreciate your wonderful support!
Comment from Wyatt Detweiler

Beautiful bird! I really like the way everything is blurred except the bird and close branches, but you can still see the light snow falling! We get Cedar Waxwings in the Midwest. They say there are a few Bohemians but I don't know if I have seen one in person. Although I may have mistaken it for a Cedar

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2021
    Thank you so much Wyatt!
Comment from supergold

an excellent close up portrait of this Bohemian waxwing posing for you before leaving until next spring; he tries to show you his best side with the yellow tail feathers;

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2021
    Thank you so very much Fred! I am honored by your six star rating!