Reviews from

Black Panther or Jaguar???

The Big cat, black Panther, may be a Jaguar???

17 total reviews 
Comment from bpellephoto

Child like in appearance. The background hides the details of this fine creature. Proportions of the head are uneven. The eyes are disproportional to the face. From what I have seen so far your interpretation of the animal kingdom can be better, I mean this piece is just ok.

Keep trying.

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 Comment Written 03-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 03-Feb-2022
    It is a practice on Plein Air in Acrylic. You will have to see some others when and if I am able to finish, upload. See my three dogs in "I Wanna Play Too." They look exactly like the three at three different times but I drew mostly in color pencil. I am learning acrylic. I used oil and watercolor.
Comment from Madiweb

The mute background really adds to the menacing looking jaguar, I enjoy how it highlights the picture, even though it is dark. The only thing I would change is the mouth, try to keep it closed, so the focus is more on the piercing eyes. That would give me shivers.

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2022
    Thank you much, but why the low rating. I am #4 reviewer and I always try to be fair, analyze and give detail review, reviewing according to the artist's skill in that style or genre. If it goes below 5, we should indicate how to improve. There is a 4.5 also. I agree that would be nice, thanks for the suggestion. Perhaps you will reconsider the score as you offered no way to improve. Even with suggestions to improve or it would look better, I ofen give a "5" because it has other good features, etc.
Comment from MKFlood

how about a cat with a surprised look for a title? the body form and language is good. the depth is good. the details is good. the shading is good. the facial...well i have been always honest with you in my reviews on your work..the facial has a "Oh %$^* !" the facial reads of surprise and maybe pain. the background is a nice blend. now im not lowering the score on the rating. this illustration is great to be used for those emotions that i above mention. so to me your still being creative and demonstrate a good presentation to the community. now you may had the desire to give that expression and your title does not indicate otherwise. so creative and good job overall

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2022
    Thank you dear artist friend. I know where you are coming from and we are honest with one another. Thanks for that too. You sure know more than I. Actually I was learning more about acrylic as I am getting back to painting too. Thanks again.
Comment from michiganmike

Whatever you call it, it is a frightful looking beast looming black out of the darkness. It's mouth is particularly fearsome in this rendition. Best of luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2022
    Thank you so much, artist friend.
Comment from faiynne

i love expression on its face, the aggression was captured so well. the texture is beautiful the smoothness of the paints was done so well, aswell as the colour in the eyes standing out in the rest of the picture

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2022
    Thanks so much, but why the low score. How would you improve? I wanted to practice more with using acrylics and I have drawn much of my life. I am currently Number 4 in the reviewing. Really disappointed in a 4 when you indicated nothing wrong. I try to review by skill in that particular style, not what I like. There is a 4.5 on the scale before you go to 4. Hope you reconsider.
Comment from Aledra Rovetto

You must have more artistic ability in your little finger than I will ever have...hence the eyes they draw you in....the colors are great as well....thank you for sharing

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2022
    Thank you so very much. You certainly are kind and humble. Sure yo are very creative.
Comment from Oats19

I really nice entry into the contest. Those green eyes are mesmerizing. I would want to run into him in the jungle .
Good luck in the contest .

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Feb-2022
    Thank you much. And, for the best wishes.
Comment from Brendaartwork18

I think this is a lovely rendition of a black panther. The stance is very cat like, we can see the muscle toning in the painted body and the head is so grrrrrr..... brilliant eyes, what a wonderful colour and fangs too. Nicely background and presented.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2022
    Thank you, artist friend Brenda. Your comments and support mean a lot.
Comment from Way West

Well done artist Glena! Your painting has beautiful background colors that give your panther/jaguar gorgeous highlight. I like his fierce looking stance with growling expression. Your information is interesting as well. Best wishes for the contest! Jodi ~ Way West

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2022
    Thank you, artist friend Jodi. Means so much coming from you, a gifted artist. Thanks for the Best Wishes too.
reply by the author on 31-Jan-2022
    Thank you artist friend, Jodi. And, thanks for the best wishes.
Comment from jesuel

what a beautiful painting of this black panther the color composition is great I really like the subdued colors of the background it sets him off nicely fine work here

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2022
    Thank you, artist friend Jesuel. Means a lot.
reply by the author on 31-Jan-2022
    Thanks artist friend, Jesuel.
reply by jesuel on 31-Jan-2022
    I like it I really like how it contrasts with the panther great work keep doing it