Reviews from

First Signs of Autumn

A freshly drilled (seeded) field

14 total reviews 
Comment from Montana Shooter

Charlotte, I love this shot! I love the ,what I call, earth waves. The line of trees breaking up the space between the plowed field in the foreground from the hills are perfect. The complimentary colors of the earth and blues in the sky are great. Congratulations on your third place in the contest.

 Comment Written 21-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2023
    Thank you SO much for your wonderful six stars, and for your great review - especially as it?s paying just a measly 2 cents! Very much appreciated indeed!
Comment from CREZart

Lovely shot, Charlotte. I really like the play between the shadows and light. I do hate how short the days are in the winter. It does cut down on the play time :)

 Comment Written 21-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2023
    Thank you so much!
    Yes, those dreadful December and January days where you get up in the dark, it?s cold and miserable all day and then by 4 it?s dark again ugh!
Comment from supergold

a very good capture Charlotte of this freshly seeded field with nice brown color and sharp details from front to back;.........................

 Comment Written 17-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 17-Sep-2023
    Thanks Fred
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

This is such a lovely visual. Those soft coloured rolling hills and the muted lush trees add to this amazing visual. I love how the light brings out those soft tones and the blue sky highlights the landscape. Very nice!!

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2023
    Thank you so much for your great review Maureen!
Comment from Christine389

Beautiful composition to this photograph and you've captured the essence of Autumn with those earthy tones. Really lovely use of light as well. I too always feel sad at Summer's end. When the hanging baskets are finished and the leaves start to drop. Spring is my favourite season - all that new life. Although maybe even after all these years, my sadness is somehow linked to the loss of freedom and return to school after the long summer holidays! I hated school haha. Worthy of a 6 if I had one Charlotte.

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2023
    Hi Christine, thank you so much for your review and the virtual six! :)
    Apart from my dislike of winter, you've now made me wonder if subconsciously that's my reason for being saddened by the end of summer too, as like you, I really hated school! Hmm interesting thought!
reply by Christine389 on 16-Sep-2023
    It?s like I?m not keen on Sunday evenings either - for the same reason I think! Even though I?m a stay at home carer for my husband with dementia so every day is Groundhog Day, there?s still something unsettling to me about that time of the week. A psychologist would probably have a field day! Haha
reply by the author on 16-Sep-2023
    Ha ha oh the damage that school can do! My secondary was a convent boarding school AAAGGGHHHH it put me off religion, nuns and learning for life!!! LOL Yours?
    I'm so sorry to hear your husband has dementia, it's such a horrible disease and one that I fear greatly as my son has Downs Syndrome and is therefore at a much greater risk - the statistics for dementia in Downs is simply horrifying. I hope you manage to get some respite from time to time?
reply by Christine389 on 17-Sep-2023
    Mine was a tale of being bullied at senior school - I just didn?t fit in. I wasn?t academic enough or hardworking enough to fit in with the clever ones and not naughty enough for the mean girls. Oh and I had braces on my teeth before they were ever acceptable as the norm. A recipe for disaster - I dreaded every day! I couldn?t wait to leave and get a job.
    I had no idea that people with Downs Syndrome were at higher risk of dementia. I?m sorry to hear that. It?s a cruel disease that robs me of my husband a little more each day. He has multiple serious health problems and respite isn?t easy to come by. That?s why I?ve taken up digital art again, as a home-based distraction. I was a member here on FAR many years ago. Technology changes so fast and so I?m trying to catch up with the times! Christine
reply by the author on 17-Sep-2023
    Oh boy I know all about bullying through my son!! I'm not surprised you hated school so much, kids can be SO horrible! Interestingly it's much worse in England than it ever was when we lived in France - I have no idea why.
    I'm so pleased you've found a distraction at home to give you some sort of respite, caring is such a hard job, but more so for a partner I feel, than for a child.
    Yes Downs are at a very high risk, I've been watching Ben's best friend (probably the most able person I've ever met with Downs) deteriorate very rapidly over a two year period - he now has to have full-time care when before he lived independently and never needed any care at all!
    Well keep your strength up and keep posting your lovely digital images.
    Charlotte x
Comment from cakemp55

I absolutely love this Charlotte. Your capture is truly striking with the light and shade perfectly placed on the ploughed fields. The composition is marvellous with the rule of thirds. I like the wispy cloudy sky.
Summer tends to mean too much heat being in Australia... but there are definitely lovely moments like walking along the beach.

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2023
    Thank you SO much Chris, for the great review and wonderful high rating!
Comment from Susan F. M. T.

A very beautiful picture of this recently ploughed field framed by tall trees that I think may be Oak trees with what I think are cliffs along the coast, under an overcast sky with the sun breaking through the clouds the light up the cliffs & the ploughed field below. Beautiful composition, framing & lighting taken with superb camera techniques & sharp focus. Good luck in the contest.
I love the colours of Autumn.

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2023
    Thank you Susan! :)
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

Looking at this photograph, one can't help but feel a sense of peace and wonder at the majesty of the natural world. It's a testament to the power and beauty of nature, and a reminder of the importance of preserving it for generations to come.Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2023
    Thanks Sesha. This was taken in the far north of England, an area that is still relatively unspoiled compared to the south.
Comment from Glena Jessee-King

Lovely landscape composition and best wishes in the contest. I really like the sky and the whole, as well as your narrative. Yes, I agree with you about the beautiful things in summer making it a glorious season and I like spring also, especially later spring.

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 Comment Written 15-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2023
    Thanks Glena, yes I like spring too, but I think only because I know that summer is on its way.
reply by Glena Jessee-King on 18-Sep-2023
    Welcome. Good. Here, at the time of my reply, autumn will begin on the 21st. If you don't care to share, what nation do you live in? I just love learning about everything possible.
reply by the author on 18-Sep-2023
    I'm from England, where autumn officially begins on the 23rd, and then the clocks go back an hour on the 29th October - that's when it really feels like winter's arrived, with those awful long dark evenings.
    This photo though was taken in the very north of England (just below Scotland!) and although the official dates are the same, it's a lot colder there despite being only 350 miles from the south east, where I am now!
Comment from Easton Bay

I am happy to live in a state that has four distinct seasons and I have no favorites. For me, each season brings its unique beauty and happenings.
This photo is a gem. The composition, colors, DoF, and clarity are perfect! The quiet story it tells about seasonal change is its deepest strength I feel. Lastly, this image is inspirational; I hope that one day I will take a masterpiece image like this. Bravo!

 Comment Written 14-Sep-2023

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2023
    Aww thank you so much Bay! What a very lovely review (and rating of course!). You have an excellent eye, you?ll be churning them out soon!!
    You seem like such an easy going, lovely and happy person, your reply didn?t surprise me at all!
reply by Easton Bay on 15-Sep-2023
    You are so very welcome and thank you for your kind words!