Reviews from

Stop and Smell the Flowers

A cat sniffing a vase of daffodils

15 total reviews 
Comment from Contests

A contest winning entry! A seven star rating from the Contest Committee for posting the winning contest entry.

 Comment Written 29-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 29-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much Tom, and the committee, my son will be so over the moon that his deeply loved kitty won the contest (as I am too!).
Comment from MKFlood

yep my cat is nosey too! it does like this kitty is stopping to smell the roses. the clarity is great. the angle of the shot of the cats facial smelling the colorful flowers is great. the capture of the light is great. the presentation is balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. good eye and great job overall

 Comment Written 26-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Keep you camera ready Mark! They don't sit there for long!
    Thanks so much for your great review.
reply by MKFlood on 26-Nov-2023
    true! lol
Comment from Glena Jessee-King

Fine capture indeed of this cat sniffing the flowers. I know Ben is so appreciative of your fine photography that actually could look like a painting as well. I know it is lovely on the canvas. Best wishes in the photography contest and thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Thank you very much Glena.
reply by Glena Jessee-King on 26-Nov-2023
    You are most welcome, artist friend Charlotte. This is a beautiful photograph of an adorable scene.
Comment from helvi2

Hi Charlotte, Love the sweet look of this cat and his attraction to the flowers. It's almost as if the cat was gazing at something special.
I think the look is precious and was a touching gift to your son. He's got to love this image! I'm sure it reminds him of the special moments he shared with his pet. A truly touching entry for the pet contest! Good Luck! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Hi Nancy, thank you for your lovely review - yes, despite daffodils have no scent, he really does look like he's enjoying the smell!
Comment from JirinaInspire

This is a wonderful photograph Charlotte of this cute cat that did learned how to enjoy the beauty of life and its flowers.
Great details, colors and nicely balanced presentation. Thank you for sharing this emotional piece.

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much for your great review Jirina, I really appreciate it.
reply by JirinaInspire on 26-Nov-2023
    My pleasure Charlotte
Comment from avmurray

I am sure Ben was really happy to get this photo of his cat made into canvas. It is always so sad when a pet dies, so this is a truly sweet memory for him. You have pictured his good looking cat so well when it is sniffing the flowers, and I especially like the way the light is falling on it.

The photo is sharp showing clear and well defined details in every part of the cat, and the exposure is spot on.

The tight cropping has worked well, and the cat has got such a fine placement off to the left. I like the close and personal approach. It is a truly lovely and well taken photo Charlotte, and I wish you luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 26-Nov-2023
    Hi Annie, thank you so much for your wonderful review and rating!
    I asked him in advance if he'd like it made into a canvas print and he said he would, only to burst into inconsolable tears when I actually gave it to him! It took him a couple of months before he was able to even look at it again, but I'm pleased to say that it's now hanging on the wall of his sitting room :)
reply by avmurray on 02-Dec-2023
    Good to hear that picture is up on the wall Charlotte. You are of course more than welcome for the review.
Comment from Christine389

A beautiful tribute to this lovely puss cat for your son to treasure. The way he appears to be sniffing the daffodils is so endearing. The composition, clarity and handling of light are all excellent here. A strong contender in the contest, I wish you luck with this adorable photograph Charlotte and I'm glad I had my final six stars of the week still available to award.

 Comment Written 25-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
    Aw thank you so much Christine, I really appreciate your lovely review and the gift of your final six stars!
Comment from Lisa Davey

This is a great shot! Love the colors of the flowers with those vibrant red centers and this adorable kitty admiring their beauty and fragrance. Great composition and clarity. When I zoomed in, I could see the reflection of the flowers in the kitty's right eye. Really sweet moment to capture!

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much Lisa! Gosh I haven?t zoomed in that close, gonna have to have a closer look now. :)
reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
    Oh yes! Wow you?re right, I hadn?t noticed that at all! Thanks for pointing it out :)
reply by Lisa Davey on 25-Nov-2023
    You have a good cat's eye ;D
reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
    🤣 Yours are better!
reply by Lisa Davey on 25-Nov-2023
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

A very sweet and endearing visual presented here. Your angle captures this lovely cat perfectly as he sniffs the sweet smelling flower. Love his expression. Well done!!

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2023
    Thank you very much Maureen.
Comment from suffolkbrian

Well good shot of the cat and thats the trouble with having pets you get attached to them,maybe you should get him another one,the connection thought between the cat and flowers is quite sweet...Brian

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2023
    Thanks Brian, yeah I?ve been trying to persuade him to get another one, but he doesn?t want to at the moment, I think he?s too fearful of having to go through all that pain again, he was inconsolable.
reply by suffolkbrian on 24-Nov-2023
    your welcome,yes can see that,i had a dog years ago and it got ill and i had to take it to the vets to be put down and i drove round the vets 3 times and afterwards went straight to an ioff licence and got trogh half a small bottle of vodka and vowed not to have a pet after that,so see why he would not want to go through that again
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2023
    And have you had any since? It is so heartbreaking, they become so much part of your life. I?ve not got any pets now though I do rather hanker for one - till I remember the cost of vet?s bills!!!
reply by suffolkbrian on 24-Nov-2023
    no not for a long while and yes vets bills are a lot now