Reviews from


Strange Critters Cartoons

10 total reviews 
Comment from Ray Gordon

Mark, this is a wonderful cartoon and this cat has my favorite type of hat. You show a wonderful ability in cartooning. I kind of know you were GEARING up for this break from your excellent video work. The best of luck in the contest. Ray

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2025
    Gladnyou have enjoyed this and thanks for the awesome review
reply by Ray Gordon on 24-Feb-2025
    You are welcome Mark. Ray
Comment from shore1inspire.

TOK, Goes The CAT'S Clock or is that THE Cat's Hat ODD Eye COG and Cog on Side OF Brain Like Things Setting IN Motion But Where IS Kitty's Tongue Licking His Chop s / Liver
So Much detail of Filling The Page Must Take Some TIME and Patience getting That RIGHT Look, Thank You 4 Sharing with THE WORLD. YOUR ART.

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2025
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from JirinaInspire

So creative and beautifully presented drawing of the cat.
Timeless portrait with the main subject looking straight at the viewer is great to view.
Nice balanced colors distribution and composition.
Best of luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2025
    So glad you have enjoyed this. I just posted another that will make you chuckle titled "Next!". Check it out. Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from nikman

A good looking image posted here into the competition! Your fine, full and appropriate composition offers us a very enjoyable view of cat in a giant clock. Colours, textures and tones are good. Nicely drawn!

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2025
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

The texture in this sharpie painting is phenomenalâ€"the layers create such richness, and the way the colours interact brings a mesmerising vibrancy. It's a testament to both skill and vision. I wish I had six left to award. Good luck!

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2025
    on the recent pet art contest the committee pick 7 members for the 1st thru 3rd place. all were just portrait facial of dogs. mine was cats taking a selfie and there were several faces there. So for this pet art contest i help the committee and let them see only one face this time. However, since i have put all these gears in here that might confuse the committee on that as well. One thing that this committee makes clear based on past voting..cartoons and creativity is NOT what they are looking for. I notice that they vote only was the limited description of topic calls for. Frustrating but i'm not going to give up being creative and working outside the box in these contest and that one time they will get sick of seeing my work to where they might vote on it..ya just never know..wink..i just posted another one that should tickle your funny bone titled "Next!". thanks for the great review
Comment from Devonte Baker

This picture fit perfectly with the caption. The composition of colors are excellent. Once again, your use of sharpie and bic pens is truly incredible. Beautifully done, thank you for sharing!

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2025
    glad you have enjoyed this and thanks for the great review
Comment from Jewell McChesney

Tick....... Tock! Great job with your artistic abilities here, Mike. Love this cool cat in his cool hat. Your imagination must be something else. Ha ha. Great job on his look and his costume, I hope he becomes on of your characters in a video.

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2025
    i have him under my "Strange Critters" series for now but "Tick" has potential to splitt to have his own series. Tick does not have 9 lives like the other cats because he is a Time traveler. He can hop to another time to avoid trouble but sometimes his time hop might get him into some trouble. thinking about it does tell me a lot potential to his story he can have. glad you have enjoyed this and thanks for the great review. Oh btw i just posted one that will work on your tickle bone titled "Next!' check it out..wink
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

A very wonderful visual presented here of this cat. I love the background that you've created it highlights your subject perfectly and those big beautiful eyes are just simply amazing. This deserves a 10!

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2025
    glad you have enjoyed this and thanks for the great review. oh just posted another one from this series that should give you a good chuckle titled "Next!". check it out
Comment from Lynnmarie2

Love this one. The details are really excellent. The time it took to do this had to be awhile. Deserves a six. Everything vibes so well together. the overall presentation is wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2025
    glad you have enjoyed this and thanks for the great review. i just posted one titled "Next" that should give you a chuckle..check it out.
Comment from helvi2

This is what I've always imagined the inside of your head to look like (without the cat)! You always have creative gears in motion imagining all kinds of things! Love Your bright eyed cat. Looks like a mischief maker to me. He's got a nice sparkle in his eye and his hat is very cool! I don't know who has this as a pet, but if one did he'd certainly keep you on the run! Nice job Mark! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 19-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 19-Feb-2025
    sure come look inside my brain! (creeeeeeck) you might want to bring a glad you have enjoyed Tick..He doesnt have 9 lives like the other cats because he is a time traveler. he knows when to jump out of the you have enjoyed this and thanks for the great review
reply by helvi2 on 20-Feb-2025
    I definitely would bring a flashlight with me! I might just learn a thing or two weaving in and out of those moving gears! LOL By the way... Love the name "Tick" if so fits a time traveling cat! :o)