Reviews from

The shot

Simple shapes to show action and form

16 total reviews 
Comment from jesuel

well lucien you have done a great job in capturing motion here your skill with ink is fantastic the design is simple yet very effective you have done a great job here excellent work

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2007

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2007
    this is my entry fro my latest contest "Create black and white sports related drawing." you aught to enter.
    I want to say thanks for the time and the writing of the review, I know both take time and effort on your part and I do appreciate you doing both when you looked at this drawing.
    Happy New Year... cheers!
Comment from Hadassah

love black and this image..simple..yes.. but very effective..pen and ink..really wonderful techniques..thanks for sharing your work!.

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2007

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2007
    I want to say thanks for the time and the writing of the review, I know both take time and effort on your part and I do appreciate you doing both when you looked at this drawing.
    Happy New Year... cheers!

    yo should go look at the contest and consider entering the title is "Create black and white sports related drawing."

reply by Hadassah on 31-Dec-2007
    my pleasaure..thanks for writing me!
Comment from morrisonte

I like your contest idea and want to enter it. It is very creative and simple at the same time. Really looking forward to what everybody will do. I like this piece that you have done. I feel the energy in the movement. Only one thing that could be added is like ice coming up from beneath the blades. Thanks for sharing and coming up with this contest.

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2007

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2007
    great, have fun with the challange it presents.
    I want to say thanks for the time and the writing of the review, I know both take time and effort on your part and I do appreciate you doing both when you looked at this drawing.
    Happy New Year... cheers!
Comment from Highfive

Nice contrast in your hockey player on skates. Very nice blacks and whites. I believe you could have given us the viewer a little detail in the, and jersey. Nice balance and proportion in the figure. Good work.

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 Comment Written 30-Dec-2007

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2007
    I want to say thanks for the time and the writing of the review, I know both take time and effort on your part and I do appreciate you doing both when you looked at this drawing.
    Happy New Year... cheers!
    p.s. you like to draw sports action composition you should consider entering thsi contest, "Create black and white sports related drawing."
Comment from RobRich

I like this image for its simplicity and action. The composition is excellent, as is your drawing technique. Very nice work!

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2007

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2007
    I want to say thanks for the time and the writing of the review, I know both take time and effort on your part and I do appreciate you doing both when you looked at this drawing.
    Happy New Year... cheers!
    any interest in trying this contest, you should take a look. the contest is "Create black and white sports related drawing."
reply by RobRich on 30-Dec-2007
    I think my skills might have been better suited for the 7 line contest. But thanks for asking.
reply by the author on 30-Dec-2007
    you never know what you could produce or learn until you try. And remember the only one holding you back is you.
Comment from Diannatilley

Excellent work Lucien on your simple lines to create movement and action.
Love it, you have kept it clean and easy on the eye. No doubts about what it is about. Good luck in the contest. I am sure this will do wonderful.

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 Comment Written 30-Dec-2007

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2007
    you should consider entering, "Create black and white sports related drawing."
    I want to say thanks for the time and the writing of the review, I know both take time and effort on your part and I do appreciate you doing both when you looked at this drawing.
    Happy New Year... cheers!
reply by Diannatilley on 30-Dec-2007
    I will go look at it. If it is traditional I may have to pass. But if we can use the computer to draw with...I may give it a try. I don't think I even have a piece of charcoal right now. LOL.