Reviews from

Birds in the Wild

Viewing comments for Page 6 "Birdwatchers Dream"
Arty birds in their habitat

57 total reviews 
Comment from lil_nitelite /!!!/

Love the sponge painted look of this. Great work on both the perspective as well as multiple points of interest. Im not going to deduct for it because I like this so much but think that adding a few dark colors (even blacks) would make this stand out a lot.

 Comment Written 27-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2008
    Thank you, Lil!!
Comment from ega39

I do not understand the technique you used but I like this
beautiful colors
good lighting
the bird is very beautiful
I like the little house in the background
Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 27-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2008
    Thank you for the positive review, ega!!
Comment from gypsywoman

I love that you changed the color of the cardinal to this birdwatcher's dream. It looks exotic. Even the tree with the blossoms looks different. I love the log cabin in the background and the texture of the background of the piece.

 Comment Written 27-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2008
    Thank you for the very positive review, GW!!
Comment from sergiu

Shawn you delight me again with your color's poetry...
...many harmony and pleasure for eyes and a bit of music for soul. Your bird singing, probably from Vivaldi; I'm sure if listening Vivaldi's Seasons and watch your picture can see/hear the link.

 Comment Written 27-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2008
    Thank you, sergiu!!
reply by sergiu on 27-Oct-2008
Comment from ADCPHOTO

This is beautiful and a calming piece. The colors you have used seem to make the piece very warm and inviting. The lighter tones of the colors make the piece calm, because it seems like a late spring day and can picture myself in the grass relaxing. The detail of the bird in the foreground and the house in the background is great and another great piece of work. Thank you.

 Comment Written 27-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2008
    Thank you so much for the great review, ADC!!
Comment from Robotkin

This is bordering on the world of fairy tales and is a very interesting composition altho the 'bird' looks like it was slipped in as an afterthought...I think it is a theme that you could work on somemore ( that is if you want to !) and I would be interested to see more...Cheers Rob

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 Comment Written 27-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2008
    The bird was the main subject in the original watercolor, Robotkin. The only thing I did digitally was, add some texture, change color tone, and spruse up the bird. Thank you for taking the time to review this.
Comment from Mike Roberts

I like the golden color scheme in this wildlife scene. The bird is singing or calling. Nice detail and color in the bird. Good highlights also. The tiny violet blooms complement the bird well. I like the rustic shack nestled into the, blended in with the background. Nice composition and painting!


 Comment Written 27-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2008
    Thank you again for another great review, Mike. I appreciate it very much.
Comment from ambednego

Love the colors here. The beige and yellow go really well together and give a soft looking appearance. Love the little glow around the bird.The yellow parts of the bird are a nice detail and make the bird stand out. Love the look of the leaves and the great form of the twigs/branches. Great perspective shot. The bird is closer than the house which makes me feel I am right under or near the tree.

 Comment Written 27-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2008
    Thank you for the wonderful review, Ambednego!!
Comment from A-one

Impact 4
Creativity 5
Color 5
Content 5
Technique 4
Composition 4
Additional Comments: Love what you did with the bird. The colors and textures are well presented. Rendering is quite good. Composition needs work.
Suggestions: house seems unrelated to bird and does not "add" to the work..just my opinion..

 Comment Written 27-Oct-2008

Comment from BingoStar

What a great transformation. He does look like a yellow cardinal and I think he is either saying Thank you or NOT. He stands out very well and the background is very nice. The cabin add a little more life to the watercolor Great job Bingo!

 Comment Written 27-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 27-Oct-2008
    Thank you, Bingo!