Reviews from

Land and Sea

Viewing comments for Page 55 "Misty Autumn"
land and seascapes

49 total reviews 
Comment from Bushbaby

I like the composition and execution. The feel is good and the mist adds to the mystery of the scene. Your trees are good, but I would like you to think of adding a few brighter, lighter coloured leaves here and there on to accentuate your beautiful achievement in making such wonderful trees, especially on the side from which the light comes. I am not talking of excessive use but delicate accentuations to catch the eye. You have a good eye and excellent talent and I would like to see you use it to the fullest extent and get the most out of your work. It is not for nothing that people like Turner used light to make masterpieces. This one is so very close but just needs that extra touch to bring out the most of this delightful composition. A touch of ochre and white here and there on amongst your grass catching the light and touches of white on your light flowers and a touch of darker blue on your blue flowers will also add greatly to the beauty of this lovely piece. Remember also to try adding a touch of lighter colour on your tree trunks on the light source side to give your contrasts a better feel and authenticity to the great piece of work. I really don't know how it is digitally done, and maybe it is not even possible at all, but I am sure you will know how to do this, if you are able to make such a stunning rendition. The colours on the whole are excellent, tonals are also super. Lovely balance, counter balance and counterpoint. Great eye appeal, which can be improved if you can manage to implement some or all of that which I suggested. The raptor flying adds to the beauty and I must congratulate you on your nice work, I really like what I see and the potential of what you might be able to achieve.Kindest regards, Liz

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2010
    Liz, on such a foggy, hazy, cloudy day...from which direction would the light be coming from? I was worried about adding too much light, because then I would be asked where the light is coming from. Believe me, I wanted to, but from which direction? I thank you for the fantastic review and the compliments, but maybe you could help a little further if you don't mind :) shawn
reply by Bushbaby on 13-Oct-2010
    Hi Shawn, judging from the shadows that you have present, your light seems to be coming from the left. As I said just a touch here and there in the right places, in other words where the light would be catching. Being slightly misty does not mean that there is not upper light which does filtrate through thin mistiness as in your picture, it is not a heavy foggy mist that precludes light and sight! Go ahead and have a try at it. I am dying to see what you come up with, but do not do it on your original, make a copy and work on that, perhaps make more that one copy and experiment and compare. Good luck and keep at it, you have lots of talent and I would love to see you make a wonderful success. Kind regards,
Comment from Echo7

This is beautiful. I really dont know much about art and i dont normally review but this really strikes me. Very soft colours and you have created wonderful depth. The mist in the middle is fantastic. The scattering of purple, white and red flowers really set it all off. Makes for wonderful stroytelling. The lone bird really works. Both trees have fantastic clarity. Very Very nice

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2010

Comment from GaliaG

very very nice, lovely, delicated and well done paint

love the fog going up and the birds in the sky

thansk for shairng

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2010

Comment from cassaaam

initial impact good
composition good
color good
technical excellence good
subject difficulty good
overall presentation good
well presented and nicely executed, good job with the mist effect

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2010

Comment from nonarom

The purple little flowers are enchanting, the most alive element in the picture; the lake is misty and mystic, the entire landscape is full of a humid silence.

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2010

Comment from rscsjessamine

Good sense of atmospheric depth in this rendering and clever idea of using a misty almost blank area as a focal point to get accross the idea,the rendering of the fore ground grass and touches of colour from the small flowers pull this area forward again creating good depth.Another successful image.

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2010

Comment from kanagraj

excellent composing. great technique very apprecitable technical work. pleasent color composing and harmony. center of interest you can add some more elements. it will be great. plain water looks emity. otherwise every thing is fine. good work and presentation.

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2010

Comment from flyleaf

Beautiful picture, I love the colors of the little flowers, just enough mist coming off the water, the contrast is good, good depth of field, great framing, very pleasing to look at, thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2010

Comment from Southernbelle Photos

The colors and details are very nice. DoF is very good. The fog raising from the water add mystery to this picture. The bright colored flowers in the field bring out the pretty shades of green in the grass. Like the way you framed this picture, with the trees on both sides. There is a story telling possibility here. Thanks for sharing, Southernbelle

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2010

Comment from margas45

Initial impact 5
Creativity of presentation 5
Color Harmony 5
Center of Interest 5
Technical Excellence 5
Technique 5
Story Telling Ability 5
Lighting 5
Another beautiful composition! A delightful scene with pretty flowers dotted around. Nicely balanced with the soft, misty central area and the darker, stronger trees at the sides. Lovely work!

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2010