Reviews from

Hypnotic Green Eyes

Close up of a cat's eyes

45 total reviews 
Comment from twilightgifts

WOW what a photo great capture and detailing the coloring is great as for the brightness looks as if he is looking right at u great job

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 15-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from canon shooter

Excellent close up. They do mot look very friendly to me. Very good POV and excellent detail. The cropping sure goes with your title. Congratulation on the All Time Best award.

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 15-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from NinaDd

I love macro shots like this, especially of cat's eyes. The color and contrast is very good. Focus is super clear. I love how it is cropped. It is artistic.

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 15-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from j26mil

this is cool. the color of the eyes is intense ! the depth added by the black parts is deep. focal point strong. Detail and clarity are a 10. good one.

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 15-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
reply by j26mil on 15-Nov-2011
    very welcome. shoot me a review back if ya get time. if not that's cool too.
Comment from Sandra c. valentini

super in depth photo.
great look into a cats beautiful eyes.
amazing color and closeup detail.
a great pleasure to review.

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from bosch2

Super catch of the intense eyes of the cat. Great colors and contrast between the actual eye and the rims = looks like kitty is wearing eyeliner!

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from Wheelssky

Very nice close-up focus and lighting are spot on. I probably like it so well as it looks exactly like my cat Milo.

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from miesu

Eye catching ! This is very intense. I could not look away. Imaging how a poor mouse feels when it sees these eyes staring down on him. The clarity is purfect.

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from donkeyoatey

Nice texture in the fur too! I like the simplicity of the composition and the wonderful clarity of the shot..perfect right to the reflection in the cornea. Donkeyoatey

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from GaliaG

strong , magic and very good shot

excelelnt filling of the frame, good composition, presentaiton and initial impact

thansk for sharing

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much