Reviews from

Fallen Angel Project -Sketch 3

sketch for possible oil study

19 total reviews 
Comment from Mr Jones

the pose on this one is really good and strong. more classical in look, even religious icon in position. the red again is outstanding and you have conveyed the sense of falling and rock bottom, with this very depiction. wonderful work.

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2012
    Thank you so much Mr Jones, do you think this one would be worthy of painting onto canvas?
reply by Mr Jones on 25-Jan-2012
    yes for sure corrina it's both honest and valid.
Comment from brenda collins

Only one thing I can say is I love the black and white and then the red dress... kinda sexy red dress for an angel...Very nice job and thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2012
    Thank you so much
Comment from adr1an

i like this corrina great initial impact & composition
i like the red dress & the detailing you have got in this as you say i guess the wings could use a little more detail & i think while your at it possibly the arm on the left could do with a little adjustment to the upper part, i think it,s a five star as is but could be even better, regards adrian

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2012
    Thank you so much and I see what you mean about the arm. Dont worry when it comes to painting them properly I will be spending loads more time on them, these were only done in an hour or so, it was just to get a rough idea of the positioning and pose. Im pretty sure I will get this one painted up. One thing I really need to practice on is the hands, boy are they hard to draw!!
reply by adr1an on 26-Jan-2012
    i do agree on that one.
Comment from speed1000

A very nice drawing of a fallen angel in red. The use of dark to light is very nice and balanced. I'd like to see a little more definition on her forward arm and maybe move the back wing further to her left shoulder, The way her hair falls is dramatic and the nimbus coming down from above is a positive feeling that although she has fallen she will be getting right back up again after a moment of rest! Well done corrinas!

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 Comment Written 25-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2012
    Thank you so much and I promise in the final versions they will look much more polished. These were only done in an hour, it was just to get a rough idea of the positioning and pose, I could personally pick out loads that needs adjusting but I got the rough idea with it. The arm will be the easiest bit to fix, now the hands, well they are another story altogether, can see me stressing over them on the final version. Do you think this would make a nice larger study? And bear in mind I would be spending a good week on it rather than an hour. I reckon it has the potential there. Thank you so much for the thoughts oh and I will play about with the wing angle as well with what you suggested, I must admit I have kinda been making the wings up ;)
Comment from darren gowen

I really like the texture here. The pose works well. I love the way the light rains down on her. She comes across as though she's wet, her hair looks like hair (which I find a hard thing to master) a really good piece, I like it :)

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2012
    Thanks so much Darren, I think by working on black card it kinda adds a whole load of depth already so just little highlights here and there and you have instant hair ;) would be a different story on white
Comment from lyncia2005

Great details.
Lines and shading are good.
Like the colors, red stands out.
Good composition.
Like the symbolism here.
Great work!

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2012
    thank you so much
Comment from Christine389

An emotive and atmospheric image. I love the composition with the red dress and the way the light comes in from the top corner.

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2012
    thank you so much
Comment from jesuel

what a great angel the color composition is great the design is very creative and unique great lighting effect fine work here

 Comment Written 25-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2012
    thank you so much James
Comment from david F

oh my oh my , what a difference a day makes, this is in a class of its own by comparrison with the previous one , the girl in shade , her body shape , are what the eye and maybe lustful mind goes to , the wings tho balance the frame brilliantly asa does the way the light enters the picture too , the wings i sense wouldnt get in my naughty way with her (its official im a perv )

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 Comment Written 25-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 25-Jan-2012
    lol this one is better isn't it, not wanting to sound up my own bottom lol I just like the pose in this and its kinda sexy I think. I think I have 4 already for the going big theme, steady Pammy lol Think I just need to try out a couple more and then Im done with them. I was thinking of choosing all the ones in the dresses so far, that includes the black dress, what do you think? Thanks so much with all the input on this, would be lost without you
reply by david F on 26-Jan-2012
    dont be silly Pammy loves to help , and i think your right 9id not picked up on the dresses especially but subconciously i think i must ,as those were the ones that attracted me , ,also agree this pose is very sexy ,and what i said later was , the first thing i notice is the girl(sexy attractive etc )then the wings if you know what i mean , without dresses on think you probably take in the whole wings body together