Reviews from

Love in Bloom

Flowers and hearts

29 total reviews 
Comment from brenda collins

Love the texture that is all through this image. The colors are all great and it is packed full of visual interest. Nicely done. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2012
    thank yu so much brenda for a very nice review and kind words
Comment from motogirl

good job, you have a wonderful imagination beautiful colors and attention to detail, good work and thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2012
    thank you motogirl for a very nice complment it is deply apreciated
Comment from Ufoureah

seet and colorful. looks interesting and you are very creative. Is it a card or a piece of art. lots of work it seems. Thank you for sharing

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2012

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2012
    well it was going to be a card, but since i was more just playning with flowers and hearts not sure, however i didn't use this paricular one for my husbands card he watched me make it LOL
    thank you for the wonderul review and ratng
Comment from MKFlood

oh yes very colorful...blend of color is good. the shading is good. nice filler on all of the page and not be clutter excellent work. overall great job.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2012
    thank you for a wondrful review your complments always make my day thank you again
Comment from trailblazer101

Hey you even gave us a Bee! I thought the green veggies helped set this off and that one heart in the center becomes the focal point. Lookin' good. Glad you're back from the hospital. My COPD started to turn into pnemonia during the night so went in and got out early. Know what it's like to have breathin' problems. No fun.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2012
    thanks for the reivew and sorry it took so long to answer. I have COPD and a touch of enphysema, and beleive it or not never smoked a day in my life, always been a health nut, guess one can't always go by satistics with what causes certain health issues. I've been fighting with getting this under control for some time now. I'm normally in the hosptial every month, but at least I've managed to stay off the ventalator this year, not real thrilled with that one, so I can't complain. Life is what it is so I put a smile on my face,enjoy my friends like yourself and the laugh that you give me and take it one 'breath at a time LOL..hahaha had to use that instead of day or step
    thanks again my friend
reply by trailblazer101 on 04-Feb-2012
    Yeah COPD is a ton of fun. I'm trying to cut up and split my wood and spend most of my time sitting on a log and trying to get a breath.
    I find it really bad when it gets -30C and below. One breath outside and wham, instant attack. I'm OK in summer and spring and fall but doctor tells me to go south in winter. Easier said than done!
Comment from obriankl

this is really neat and colorful. i like the heart in the middle with the rose on it. looks great. thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2012
    thank you for a wonderul review it is deeply appreciated
Comment from blujdrawings

love ll the different elements hereflowers look vibrant and beautiful with the colours you have used here
hearts are a nice touch
thank you for sharing
well done

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 Comment Written 31-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2012
    wowo! a five plus never expected that! can't thank you enough for a fantastic review and rating
Comment from amfunny

Definitely not one of my favorites of yours. The big pink flowers look almost like yarn or needlepoint. It looks like whatever you have around the heart in the center spilled over onto the flower petals and changed their color. I think I would have made the heart bigger and the flowers smaller. Very creatively done though and hope you are okay.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2012
    well pooh,now i'm going to my room and cry..and I thought the sympathy vote with me just getting out of the hosptial would play into the rating, wow for a nickname like 'amfunny' gee your so mean LOL I'm just kidding, can't
    blame you for the reivew, this had little effort in it and mainly wante4d to post something, it surproised me that it got as many reviews as it did, must be the valentines day thing..or maybe the sympathy ploy did feed in afterall LOL
    take care my friend
Comment from tammiebridges

Very nice design. The colors work well together. I'm almost thinking that it would have been a great design without the hearts in it, too.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2012
    thank you tammie for avery nice complment to this piece
Comment from chickadee

Well sure suits the month of February Lynnkah! A wonderful work of art and the colors are soo bold and eye catching. Of course you details are amazing and the bursts of flowers and heart pop right out of the page! Awesome as always! Very creative and imaginative!

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2012
    thank you again for yet another smile and great review
reply by chickadee on 05-Feb-2012
    Your welcome and keep smiling Lynnkah!