Reviews from

Gandalf the Gray


63 total reviews 
Comment from Joelgraphuchin

Initial impact: this is fantastic
Creativity of presentation: the details are well drawn
Color Harmony: enjoyable, eye catching contrast
Center of Interest: focusing on His expression is fabulous
Technical Excellence: nice angle and frame
Well done

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from momentsofjoy7351

Wow, so you are doing stuff I had no idea your were doing. You done a great job with Gandalf... especially the reviving part... ROTFL... Every day you surprise me. Very nicely done - Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 02-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2015
    Go deep in my portfolio and all will be revealed what this old sharpie artist can do..wink.
Comment from I can do all things

I am not going to profess I'm some kind of great artist. However, I think you would have to be pretty blind to see that this is amazing. My seven year old daughter knew who this was right away from across the room. We love Gandolf. In my opinion art is very subjective. You either like it or you don't. I think this is very detailed and stands out very well. Great work.

 Comment Written 24-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 26-Oct-2013
    been a been a fan of JRR tokens novels for about 4 decades now..the lord of the rings was best and a dream come true for me..if u get the time do a search for a few drawings that i did from the series..i dont expect a review but to share with "praise the hobbit"..."the hobbit"...thorin oaksheild" and "have ur wits about u" "gollum wants u"..thanks for the great review.
Comment from M. Celeste

I love your work. Unless people do art with markers and sharpies, they may not know how hard it is. I love the stroke work and the expression. Great lines in the hair and beard. Great sword. Hey, why don't you find out who at "Disney" you can contact. Bet they would be interested. Anyway, Great job!

 Comment Written 23-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 26-Oct-2013
    thats why i did those 2 contest this year of sharpies only..really not to compete but give a chance for folks to have a taste of what i go thru when im compete against more lil get the richness of the color i have to over the color at least twice to 3 or maybe 4 otherwords im coloring it more than once..wink. thanks for the great review.
Comment from Dick Lee Shia

I should give more bonus stars now to artworks that were created thru hard- earned manual renditions rather than the usual "quickies"...
The pointillist details are very straining on the right wrist and left eye! Why? Does anybody care to know?
The skin is quite okay now as its toned down a bit. The previous rendition of legs & cleavage is full of hemoglobin...
The Freudian nose matches well with the bushy mustache and forested goatee.
There are letters printed in the saber that I can't read...
Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2013
    thanks for the awsome review.
Comment from Life is but a dream.

Mark, people who give you comments like that don't understand your medium that's all. Do you remember Cynnocence? (I still correspond with her sometimes). She and her art were totally misunderstood on this site. Wish you would do a little "educational blurb" on the public forum to tell us about sharpie.

Anyhow, I like the detail here and you are without a shred of doubt in my mind the sharpie master and respected artist not only here but dare I say even beyond FAR.

This is stunning work in every detail, in point of view in shading, in flow.

I just saw you won a contest congratulations on that win!

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2013
    oh yeah..remember we bounced back and forth on the top 5 last year..but i was letting out some steam..wink..thanks for the awsome review.
Comment from Photography byTrixie

Do they have sharpee conventions? If not maybe organize one afterall you are promoting their products they should pay you to show your work and you could give demonstrations. Have you ever sent samples of what you have done with sharpees to the manufacturers? Say "Lets have a contest to create more demand for your business"... funded by Sharpee. Better yet develop your own brand of sharpee and drive them out of business...LOl all the way to the bank. Got to drum up interest by doing something crazy with sharpies on U-Tube ... they had these bromies conventions (for my little pony horses apparently adults are into it now too..dont ask thought it very weird) they said they did first convention and had maybe 200 people and now its thousands...Makes Waves MFLOOD.. people build sand castles on the shore and now it attracts a lot of tourists...why not sharpie project..When I lived in Nashville they had fish and one year guitars they gave to local artist/famous people to decorate/design then they were placed around the city and auctioned off to raise money... you could get sharpie involved in something like this get your self out there ... FLASH...use it for RAISING MONEY TO STOP CHILDHOOD ABUSE .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am a brilliant old bird...

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2013
    yes u r trix but sharpie has website to display sharpie art for several now..been a member for yrs..last year they sponser a video called "purple" which was aired on the mtv movie awards. u will see half more work there. the company has no interest in the artist other than selling pens..i know ive tried,,mail..and phone..they just dont care..its good thought though..wink..thanks for the great review
Comment from Danrae

Very nice poster created with the markers. I like the color of his skin and the details shown in his beard. Very expressive eyes and details in his aged face. Good art work here.

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2013
    all i work with is sharpie and BIC markers..wink. btw i just posted another tribute to a fellow member.. check it out if u get the time.wink. thanks for the great review.
Comment from Lynnette Smallwood

Another great contest, award winning, piece of art. Love the full frame, great composition, good job.

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2013
    thanks lynette..oh btw i just posted antoher tribute on a fellow member..check it out if u get the time...thanks for the great review.
Comment from Skyangel02

Avoiding con artists is not easy when they are all out to rob you of as much money as they can in their efforts to get you to advertise on their sites. ;-)
That's my two cents worth of opinion for free and another gold star slapped on your work. ;-)

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2013
    thanks fort the great review.