Reviews from

Resting in the shade

Little white dog

18 total reviews 
Comment from mihaelatatiana


 Comment Written 08-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from BicyclistAtHeart

Very nice photo. Colors match, of the dog and of the background. Focus is very nice, and the mixed media is very artistic. Framing of scene good, and the dog is very cute. Nicely done.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from Doris1022

does look like a painting which is very cute. well done. great angle and crop. the only thing is when I look at him I am saying what is he looking at?some little thing to give us a clue it is a beach would be great.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review Doris. I don't think the dog looked at anything special, but I could of course have made up a story.
Comment from suzannethompson2

Lovely shot of this cute little dog. I like the angle you used for this showing the shadow from the straw parasol. Lighting and focus very good showing excellent detail in his markings. Very nice composition. Good luck in the contest. Suzanne

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review and for the good luck wishes.
Comment from kimmergio

This photo is beautifully focused with just enough soft light. The colors are great, almost looks black and white. I love this photo, thank you for sharing

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from memacarmen2

What a great shot. He is a pretty dog. Love how you have put in the oil painting filter. That really brings out the dog. Very nice work.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from Geokat

He is just catching his breath before going out to run with the big guys again. His mouth is open pretty wide and it looks with the position of his tongue he is hot. Very nice shot with nice detail and color.

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 Comment Written 08-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from susanlen

This dog is cute but he is not a Labrador. Looks more like some kind of terrier to me. He has a very attractive coloured coat with darker markings on the tail and ears in particular. I expect dogs, just like us humans, do get hot when the weather is very sunny. Like the background which has a faded effect and which looks like very pale coloured sand. Very good framing and focus. Good Luck in the contest.

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 Comment Written 08-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2013
    Thank you very much for the lovely review, and of course I know this is not a Labrador. I just said this dog was playing with them.