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Viewing comments for Page 22 "All the girls"
a few samples of wedding pictures

11 total reviews 
Comment from drmerlin

I very much like to be setting that you chose to take this photograph. That background looks very interesting. I also really like the pose of the couple in the image. Unfortunately, the image is very underexposed. The groom fades into the background. Also that spectacular background is not at all prominent. Finally, the light is eliminating the centre of the bride stress rather than her face.

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 Comment Written 07-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2013
    Thank you so very much! I agree with your comments. I know what my problems are. It is my lighting. I need to have a pocket wizard with other lights set up but I only have an external flash mounted on my camera. This has been an ongoing problem. I don't shoot too many weddings and just have tried to manage with the equipment I have. I do appreciate your review!!
reply by drmerlin on 07-Dec-2013
    I really like your composition here and the image is generally better lit. However, with this one you have a different problem... look at all of those 'hotspots'. This is the result of a very small light source straight on. In other words, the light is very harsh and specular which, particularly for women, is not very flattering (it shows up every blemish, line and wrinkle). What would have helped here would have been a large diffuser. Sometimes this can be achieved by bouncing the light off a ceiling (if it is white and fairly low). You probably needed a couple of lights with soft boxes set to the sides of the frame. I really hope that this all makes sense.

    Kind regards

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2013
    I understand but as I said before I only have one camera mounted flash. I do have a soft box for my flash but just did not think to use it. My next big purchase is to get pocket wizard and more lights. Really weddings is my least favorite kind of photography but I need the money, so if they ask I will do it.
    I think however with this shot the softbox is really my only option. I was laying on the floor as they gathered around me. LOL! I don't think they noticed the hotspots as this was a fun shot. It takes a pro like yourself to notice and I appreciate your comments!
reply by drmerlin on 07-Dec-2013
    Hi Willie. I am far from pro! I appreciate the limitations of a single flash on the camera... Can you get it off camera using a pc sync lead? You might also think about investing in a stofen diffuser which might help. Finally, I have a great little piece of kit called a sunbounce wall kit which allows me to bounce light from my flash onto a white card which diffuses the light for portraits very nicely. The kit is a bit pricey but probably worth it (available on Amazon if you want to have a look).

    Kind regards
