Reviews from

leading to the starry sun

in Dubai

18 total reviews 
Comment from Jairos

The angle here is beautiful good Frame nice sunlight effect, I like the DOf and Colors on this scene, the frame good, focus is sharp, good Job , - jairos

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2014
    many thanks again
Comment from a.samathasena

What a nice beautiful bridge and sun shot.Bridge blue sky sun water are very nice.Sharp nice focus.Colors are very nice.Creativity technique and all excellent.Great job.Well Done.Thanks.

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2014
    thank you
Comment from mariealyse

I love that the sun is not centered over the walkway in this. It makes it much more aesthetically interesting. The texture created by the railing is great and so is the skyline. Great shot!

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2014
    many thanks again
Comment from jo-cal

I love the hazy heat coming from the sun,( positioned just right)the blue's of the sea and sky are bright, the jetty looks inviting, makes you wonder where it leads to,
the view in the distance looks
like a real utopia, I would love to explore. thanks for sharing. well done

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2014
    many thanks for your comments and high rating
Comment from Geokat

Superb composition with tremendous focus and DOF. Terrific illumination on the jetty from the rising sun as it shines its glow from your shooting position to the amazing silhouette of the city. A very beautiful well lighted piece. Just brilliant.

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 Comment Written 05-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2014
    many thanks george fr your kind comments and high rating
Comment from Sorin Fota

Nice composition. Lovely symmetry with the path leading to the shore constructions and sun above in the sky.
Nice colors and lighting.

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2014
    many thanks again
reply by Sorin Fota on 06-Jan-2014
    Welcome! Sorin
Comment from Photography byTrixie

Stunning. Lovely color. Love the capture of the moon or sun whatever that is...nice detail in pier and background

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2014
    in the title it is the sun........thanks again
Comment from GaliaG

nice deoth of field, but the bright spot of the sun and the fact that every thing is center takes from the initial impact

thanks for sharing

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 Comment Written 05-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2014
    toda raba;
    as you know, the sun is very bright....
    such symetric pics MUST be centered