Reviews from

...the...DEVIL'S tongue.....

CROCOSMIA flower barely opening

22 total reviews 
Comment from Lilibug6

What a cool looking plant this is! The colors are great! I have never seen this before! The background looks great! It makes the flower stand out! The focus is very good! The lighting is great! Well done and thanks for sharing! Lori

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    Thank you so much Lori ( it RIGHT this time!) You should see what this flower looks like in full bloom...really stunning. I'll have to post some 'fully-in-bloom' photos sometime along.

reply by Lilibug6 on 22-Feb-2016
    I look forward to seeing it=) Lori
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

This is a wonderful shot of unusual plant!. You have framed it well. Light and sharpness are very effective in in creating a lovely capture. Thanks for sharing!

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 Comment Written 21-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    Thank you so very much Seshadri. I appreciate your viewing, commenting and the wonderful rating!!

Comment from Tuccibella

Wow! This is gorgeous. Love the red and yellow against the green. The detail of the main flower with the green in a haze really showcases it. The shadows of the underground really emphasizes the detail color of each bud of the tongue. Very nice!

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    Thank you so much Tuccibella. Appreciate you viewing and commenting.

Comment from a.samathasena

What a great nice gorgeous lovely shot.Wonderful nice nature scene.Amazing rare lovely beautiful flower,blooming occasion,red yellow color design and green b/g,light and color balance are gorgeous great and make a nice scene.I like this talent work.Focus color and all are excellent.Great job.Well Done.Thanks.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    Thank you so much a.sam. Pleased you've enjoyed my little flower here.

Comment from Susan F. M. T.

A beautiful picture of Lucifer Crosmia or s it's more commonly known here at Montbretia, I have the wild native variety (it's deep Orange) in my's virtually impossible to kill. Beautiful composition the red buds contrasting beautifully with the bright green foliage around the flower spike.Taken with superb camera techniques & sharp focus.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    What a lovely review Susan...thank you. I have heard it called Montbretia and HAVE seen the orange variety. I am thinking of trying a new variety this's golden yellow....might look very sharp next to my red ones. Really one of my FAVORITE plants in the garden.

Comment from mudge

A colourful image, with the red and yellow flower standing out from the green background.
The main flower is quite sharp, and the background is nicely out-of-focus, adding to the separation of the two
I think the colours of the whole image may be a little over saturated, but I would leave the flower as it is, and maybe desaturate the green background a little, to put even greater emphasis on the flower itself
Nicely seen and captured

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2016
    Thank you may be right about the background...I cloned a bumble bee out and tried to clean that up. The flower though, is pretty much as I photographed it. Thank you for the suggestion. Actually thought of you before I got rid of the bumble bee.

reply by mudge on 22-Feb-2016
    Why??? LOL
reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016 mudge- you seemed to not like extraneous things in my of yellow flowers in the corners which had nothing to do w/ main subject. Besides this bumble bee flew into my shot as I was taking it...very cool hovering but way out of focus.
reply by mudge on 22-Feb-2016
    Thanks for clarification!
Comment from Alveria

Beautiful capture of this Crosmia plant. Excellent clarity, lighting, and color, the red really pops. Good DOF and framing. Good post production work and great visual impact. Well done. ~Alveria

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2016
    Thank you so much of my favorite plants but least favorite color to photograph. Seem to have a hard time w/ the reds.

reply by Alveria on 21-Feb-2016
    Reds are hard for most to photograph. You did a very good job. :) ~Alveria
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2016
    really! lol...that is good to know. Thank you AGAIN Alveria.

Comment from jesuel

What a beautiful photo I really like how you got in close and faded the background so you main subject would pop beautiful work here

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2016
    Thank you so much jesuel. It's one of my favorite flowers here....and this photo is nothing. It is AMAZING when it's fully in bloom.

Comment from michiganmike

A beautiful shot with great colors. The cropping is artful and the unopened flowers and the stem that supports them are shown in great detail.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2016
    Thank you Mike.....really debated leaving the fuzzy bee in the photo but just KNEW I'd be told I should not have. I appreciate your nice I said- red (my favorite color) it drives me crazy photographing it correctly in the garden.

Comment from Dick Lee Shia

An interesting initial impact.
Impressive capture! Verdant overtone.
Nice contrast & color saturation.
Subtle illumination. Diffused focusing.
Thanks for sharing...

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2016
    Thank you Dick...again, for your very thorough comments.
