Reviews from

One Fall Over!

Solomon's Pillars

13 total reviews 
Comment from Linda Bickston

As I look at your photo, I am filled with the knowledge that this is not just something that happened by chance. No. There is a Creator. There is a Divine Maker. Solomon knew this truth. He was the wisest of all men. He bent His knee to God. These pillars, with their beautiful shadows, and divine lights reflect the Glory of God.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2016
    We are all in the Creator's hands. Thank you Linda. Chuck
Comment from Alveria

Wonderful capture. Excellent clarity, lighting, and color. Good detail and texture of these pillars shown. Good framing and visual impact. Well done. ~Alveria

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 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2016
    Thanks for the generous review.
Comment from Jairos

Great initial impact, Love the frame DOF and clarity, the angle is good, nice textures on this work good focus and exposure, well done jairos

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 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2016
    Thanks Jairos for the great review. Chuck