Reviews from

I have an itch

a siberian tiger at a small zoo.

22 total reviews 
Comment from Linda Bickston

Thank you for taking a photo of this rare animal, and sharing it with us on Fan Art. This is a beautiful tiger, and your picture of him couldn't be more perfect. Great shot.

 Comment Written 08-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 11-Feb-2017
    Hi Linda,
    your welcome, glad you enjoy it.
    it was tough as it is very active like it wants to play but was lucky stopping for a itch as I was right there.
    thank you for viewing and your kind review.
Comment from MKFlood

go ahead and scratch it for him. i betcha if ya dont lose a hand you can have em purring...nice putty tat! lol. the clarity is great. the angle of the shot of the white tiger is great. the capture of the light is great. the image is balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. good eye and great job overall

 Comment Written 08-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2017
    hi MKFlood,
    I could not reach as another fence is 2 foot before this one.
    maybe but I would not want to try as they have 2 other lions a tiger and 2 black bears.
    glad you enjoy it as I started trying using both lens I have.
    thank you for viewing and your kind review.
Comment from nature rules

Thank you for your artist the initial view of this capture made me very sad...until I read your notes. I wondered about the eyes. It is wonderful to know the tiger can run and play with his remaining senses enhanced.

A lovely work with your camera. Thank you for the settings. I always study those when they are given. Your are a generous member of FAR!! An excellent post!

 Comment Written 08-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2017
    hi nature rules,
    your welcome as I was hoping for better shots, as I tried for some today being warm but went thru 4 forests of at least 12 as the pine barrens are 2,250 square miles taking up about 1/3rd of new jersey.
    it is tough to see it happen but it is safe being in it's own pen.
    yes they where as it bounced like tiger knowing someone was there showing off. :-)
    glad you enjoy it as I picked the one looking up as if I moved may have lost it.
    thank you for your kind words as I try to post stuff but tough when you have the shore or woods and have to travel far for good photo ops.
    thank you for viewing and your kind review.
Comment from GaliaG

Wow, he is amazing, good catch

still, the fact that is legs are cut off, while there is a lot of space on the top takes from the initial impact and rate

thanks for sharing

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 Comment Written 08-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2017
    Hi GaliaG,
    glad you enjoy it as they have a few big animals but tough to get a good shot.
    I do have the legs in one but was not looking up to see the face but tough with the fencing you don't see as if I bent over it would have ran again.
    thank you for viewing and your kind review.
Comment from a.samathasena

What a great nice wonderful lovely shot.Beautiful nice scene.Great entrance.Very Nice presentation.The Lovely tiger,white black color design hair and body,cage are gorgeous great and make a nice scene.Light and color balance are very nice.I like this talent perfect work.Focus color and all are excellent.Great job.Well Done.Thanks.{Wish Your Contest.}

 Comment Written 08-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2017
    Hi a.samanthasena,
    glad you enjoy it as I picked the one looking up.
    it does have nice color as it is a small zoo and was hoping for the elephant but they took it away.
    the small zoo just squeaks by with it's budget but a animal hospital and pets help it just make ends meet.
    thank you for viewing and your kind review.
Comment from Imaginos

Such a beautiful tiger. So rare and so lovely. You've done an excellent job at photographing him. His eyesight problems are a shame. But I hear that's common with cats who have white fur and blue eyes.

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2017
    Hi Imaginos,
    yes it seemed happy despite the eyesight and a pretty big cage area. about 50 by 100 area and shelter.
    thank you as I tried a bunch but sensed me and ran around a lot so was at the right spot for a quick itch.
    it looked more cataract's than blue eyes as they are real cloudy.
    thank you for viewing and your kind review.
Comment from Dick Lee Shia

An interesting initial impact.
A cute & candid capture!!
I just hope the photo police would see this as b&w!
Better if she was in her natural setting or without the railings.
Thanks for sharing...

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2017
    Hi Dx,
    glad you enjoy it but tough being a small park and no way to not get a cage or secondary fence.
    to me it is B?W but may be dirty rolling around in the pine needles and sugar sand that is slightly grey.
    yes it would, but a 2 hour drive to the next park where I would get photo's without a cage.
    thank you for viewing and your kind review.
Comment from nikman

Could not resist my itch to ask if Siberian Tigers should not be more yellow? Please excuse my ignorance! Like your downward capture that gets a very fine view of those beautiful blue eyes. Exposure and sharpness seem good. Well done and good luck!

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2017
    Hi nikman,
    yes I got lucky it stopped for a minute while I was right there.
    it seems white to me but may be the pine needles and not getting a bath to often.
    with the walking I did not want to push my knees.
    thank you as I tried both lens but had auto and not manual settings on a cloudy damp day.
    glad you enjoy viewing it and your insightful review.
Comment from angelsanddiscus

I like it but you do have to watch your white balance. You could just tone down the highlights a little on the white. Nice focus through the bars on this white Siberian tiger. Really blue eyes are a catch and the detail is pretty good too, the whiskers, the nose, pads on its feet and its markings. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2017
    Hi angelsanddiscuc,
    I will try as I had it on auto and did not think of the white balance on a cloudy. rain day.
    I will try to see with the newer program I have as I try but get noise so keep them original till I figure it out.
    glad you enjoy it as I took 2 trips with both lens and no one was there except workers.
    glad you enjoy the features as it looks like it is mostly blind with cataract's.
    thank you for viewing and your insightful review.
Comment from dalebraatz

what a wonderful first impression, love the colors and details and textures and those blue eyes are fantastic, very pleasing to look at. Thank you for sharing. dale

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2017
    Hi Dale,
    glad you enjoy it , but tough seeing them in our settings as the sun is limited there with the pines.
    glad you enjoy it as I got lucky it stopped as most where him running knowing someone was present.
    thank you for viewing and your kind review.
reply by dalebraatz on 08-Feb-2017
    your welcome.
reply by the author on 08-Feb-2017
    Thank you dale,
    as I hope to catch some photos before a snowstorm as it hits 60.
    as I'm pretty limited on places to go to.