Reviews from

valentine's gift

rose inside a heart shaped ribbon

16 total reviews 
Comment from karen zima

Love the design of this Valentine's Day Artwork. The ribbon going around the rose is done in a way that makes the composition interesting. Love the details of the red rose. Nice work and happy Valentine's Day to you.

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2018
    thank you very much!
Comment from Wyatt Detweiler

Great drawing. Amazing detail on the flower The leaves are perfect. Who ever gets that is going to be happy. thanks for sharing Wyatt

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2018
    thank you for your comments!
Comment from suzannethompson2

Very good entry for the contest. I like the simplicity of design with the lovely rose enclosed in the ribbon. I like the colours you used with the coloured pencils. Very good light and shade. Love the detail in the petals and leaves of the rose. Good luck in the contest. Suzanne

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2018
    thank you!
Comment from Life is but a dream.

Isodoro, the large upload is blurred and I know the original is NOT blurred. You might consider doing a re-upload espcially if you have this in a contest.

I like it. That pink ribbon reminds me of breast cancer awareness and I'm not sure that was your intention.

I like the detail of your work, you easy and loose strokes and you composed this with thought. Nice crop....all is well, you get full marks from me.

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2018
    thank you !
Comment from Pamela Ruggiero

This is a good entry for the contest. Sweet and thoughtful. It looks like a little bit of the top right and top have some distracting brown that is not part of your nice drawing. In the contests, the committees will mark down based on presentation. It is a nice compositiin. Focus is OK. The rose is layered and beautiful. Thank you for sharing and best of luck with this image

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 Comment Written 13-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2018
    thank you for your observation i have already corrected it, i really appreciate it!
Comment from jesuel

What a beautiful piece of art I really like the red rose it tells love and the ribbon shaped into a heart is very clever beautiful design fine work here

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 Comment Written 13-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2018
    thank very much!