Reviews from

More Fireweed

Fireweed ,in our campground

16 total reviews 
Comment from csimmons032

I have never heard of fireweed before, but I have to say it is quite a beautiful plant. I didn't know that it is used to make jelly and honey. Your focus, framing, and lighting are all very good. You did a wonderful job and I thank you for sharing this with us. :)

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Feb-2019
    Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful review! Yes, the honey is very good too! The jelly is a bit sweet for my taste!
Comment from Susan F. M. T.

A beautiful picture of the pink/mauve coloured Fireweed set against a dark background the the petals lit by dappled sunlight. Beautiful composition, framing & lighting taken with superb camera technique & sharp focus. (It grows all over Ireland too in late Summer we call it Rosebay Willow Herb)

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Feb-2019
    Thank you so much Susan!
Comment from Jodi Kay

This is fabulous! I had no idea such a beautiful "weed" grew in Alaska! Not only is this a stunning shot but a very informative image as well! Thank you for sharing this beauty and story behind it!

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Feb-2019
    Wow ! Thank you so very very much Jodi! I appreciate your wonderful review and I am honored by your six star rating!
Comment from Paula Marie

I love how you gave life to this common plant that most people otherwise wouldn't have noticed. It really is pretty against that dark background.

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Feb-2019
    Thank you very much Paula!
Comment from nikman

We have got this over here in England. It is called Rosebay Willow Herb and is regarded as a weed. Your slightly full and off-centre composition allows us an enjoyable look at your nice plant. Sharpness and exposure are good. Nicely done!

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Feb-2019
    Thank you so much for your very kind and thoughtful review!
Comment from Sean T Phelan

Your photo of this pleasantly colorful sprig of Fireweed looks Great,my friend!
I've never seen it growing down here but I've happened upon it a few times while 'exploring' the fields up in the the Gaspe peninsula in northern Quebec.

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 Comment Written 30-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Feb-2019
    Thanks so very very much my dear friend! I really appreciate you!
reply by Sean T Phelan on 03-Feb-2019
    You're very welcome,Pat! : )