Reviews from

Leaf's Don't Fail Me Now!

for music video

17 total reviews 
Comment from ArtistCharles

Run Baby Run! Good thing flowernaut works out on the treadmill. Would bug spray or repellent help. Nice sense of panic and action. Well drawn with good color and detail. Things are getting tense for our explorer. Well done!

 Comment Written 19-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 21-Jul-2019
    Lol.. thanksfor the awesome review
Comment from GaliaG

wow, a giant insect running after him, this is really scary

excelelnt draw of the man facial expression

good story telling and presentaiotn

thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 19-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 21-Jul-2019
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from Mr Jones

another classic portrayal. this alien creature is one of my faves of yours. he is bright, fearful yet also endearing. alien creatures probably would be far more gentle than us earthlings.

 Comment Written 18-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 18-Jul-2019
    lol..thanks for the great review.
Comment from Barbara L.

I love the title! Great scary looking creature and the Flowernaut looks almost as terrified as I'd be if this huge bug was chasing me. This is another great picture for this video!

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 18-Jul-2019
    thanks for the great review.
Comment from Linda Wetzel

Ha, ha, ha...I like the play on words in this title. Our Flowernaut better put on some speed to outrun this lobster ladybug who sees him as a tasty mite.

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 18-Jul-2019
    thanks for the great review.
Comment from Kelly Kiley

Wow!! Wasn't expecting that!! Hope he don't get eaten!!! Love it!! Your the master!!! You are extremely talented!! And you have a great eye!!!

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 Comment Written 17-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 18-Jul-2019
    thanks for the great review.
reply by Kelly Kiley on 19-Jul-2019
    Your very welcome!!
Comment from Paul Stanner

This Martian beast looks to me what Idiocrats / Liberals are going to evolve into. Come to think of it she does look a bit like Alexandria Ocasio - Corttez. Do you think you could arrange to ship them ALL to Mars and let them try Socialism there CLA. Could America possible get that lucky ? When does Ilhan Omar make her appearance ?

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 Comment Written 17-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 18-Jul-2019
    lol..thanks for the great review.
reply by Paul Stanner on 19-Jul-2019
    My pleasure CLA