Reviews from

Lucien's coffee Book Ad

coffee table book of my stipple art

12 total reviews 
Comment from Jewell McChesney

Hi. This is very difficult to view, due to its blurriness. I congratulate you, nevertheless on your accomplishments! I think I would try taking another professional photograph to make it more legible.

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 Comment Written 14-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2023
    I think the distortion occurred when I up loaded it to FAR
    thank you for your time.
    My hope you will go to the web site and look at the book.

    The links to the art book site are: or


Comment from pixs

The tex is to small and its.hard to much blue an white....I am also on and I am also creating a book......and so it will be up for. Review.....I think. It's a. Great deal......and I wish you. Luck......have a great night

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 Comment Written 14-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2023
    Thank you for having taken the time to look and then write me with your thoughts about my book release.
    It is very much appreciated.
    Best of luck in creating your book and having it get accepted by the site.

    I hope you will look at my book.
    The links to the art book site are: or
