Reviews from

Naked Trees At Dawn

Acrylic painting on canvas

12 total reviews 
Comment from suffolkbrian

Colorfull painting and a good mixture of colors and a lot of trees,its difficult for me to view art as such but this has a certain charm and i do like the colors in this...brian

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2023
    Thank you I really appreciate your review
reply by suffolkbrian on 24-Jul-2023
    your welcome as i said its not my medium but gradually reviewing more
Comment from nikman

A good looking entry into the competition posted here! Your fine and full composition suggests to me that it is of a tropical forest at dusk! Colours, textures and tones are good. Well painted and good luck!

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 Comment Written 24-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2023
Comment from cakemp55

I love this colourful painting and reading how it evolved is quite inspirational. It looks like a glorious vivid sunset reflected behind the naked trees and reflected on the water. Then there is a stream of light rays coming through the trees! All the best in the contest!

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 Comment Written 23-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2023
    I appreciate this! How is it that so few review artwork?
reply by cakemp55 on 24-Jul-2023
    Hi Jewell...maybe they don't feel qualified enough if just do photography. Not sure. I don't do art but I appreciate the beauty of other people's work. Take care, Chris