Reviews from

Mushroom Fairy

Yung girl as a mushroom fairy

13 total reviews 
Comment from avmurray

Sounds like you have put a lot of work and time into this image, and the mushroom fairy is of course just beautiful. I like the way the light is shining through her blond hair. I also like the abundance of mushrooms in the background and the light spots.

Another reason for liking this image is how well you have used the light, and also the limited color pallet.

The format and framing is working well, and the fairy has got a fine placement off to the left. A truly lovely and well done digital creation Lynnmarie, and I wish you luck.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    Thank you so much for your kind words and rating! I try to use as little AI as I can and add my own to it. Photoshop is a wonderful tool that can create some amazing work. :)
reply by avmurray on 11-Oct-2023
    You are more than welcome Lynnmarie.
Comment from nikman

A good looking image posted here into the competition! Your eye catching composition grants us a good view of that fairy who looks a little puzzled as to why she is surrounded by a multitude of mushrooms. Well created and good luck!

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 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    Thank you so much for your kind words and rating! Much appreciated! :)
Comment from suffolkbrian

Don,t pretend to know how easy this is to do but do like it and the girl is stunning and more so with the look you have created in this one,overall a well nice creation...Brian

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 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    Thank you so much for your kind words and rating! Much appreciated! Photoshop is a wonderful tool with endless possibilities, tie that into AI and you get this kind of work. I only used AI for come of the background and added in the lighting on a few things. Lots of layers, lots of hours. :)
reply by suffolkbrian on 09-Oct-2023
    your welcome