Reviews from

Smile For The Camera!

Zebra foal tasting the air with his gums & teeth.

15 total reviews 
Comment from helvi2

Hi Charlotte, So glad to hear that this little one found its mother! Guess he got a little frisky in his playtime and forgot to pay attention to where mom was! Love the pose and his actions. Nice shot and a lot of fun to view! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2024
    Thanks so much Nancy!
Comment from MKFlood

looks like he is laughing..very cool. the clarity is great. the capture of the light is great. the angle of the shot of this Zebra is great. the presentation is balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. good eye and great job overall

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2024
    Thank you!
Comment from avmurray

This Zebra foal indeed looks cute, and it for sure looks like it is smiling to you. You have pictured it so well, and I especially like the neutral colors of the background making the little Zebra standing out in an excellent way.

This is also a sharp photo showing such clear and well defined details in every part of the animal. The exposure and white balance is perfect.

I also like the tall format you have cropped the photo into and the placement of the Zebra off to the right. A truly lovely and well taken photo Charlotte, and with a very good DOF. I wish you luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 17-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2024
    Thank you so much Annie - and my apologies for the very late reply!
reply by avmurray on 11-Aug-2024
    No problem Charlotte, and you are more than welcome.
Comment from suffolkbrian

this does looked cropped but think the most important thing in this is timing and from your notes you studied the zebras habit and got that moment perfectly[its something sange taught me on here when taking photos of animals] you can even apply that to zoo photos and this one is a good example of that...Brian

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 Comment Written 17-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2024
    Thanks Brian! Sorry I'm not around much at the mo!
reply by suffolkbrian on 01-Aug-2024
    well welcome back anyway
Comment from alaskapat

The zebra foal is adorable . I like its placement within the frame on the right with room on left to look or move into.
It appears that you cropped to enlarge or something else occurred because this image is pixelated, usually that happens when an image is cropped to enlarge and bring subject closer.

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 Comment Written 17-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2024
    Thanks Pat!