Reviews from

Land and Sea

Viewing comments for Page 55 "Misty Autumn"
land and seascapes

49 total reviews 
Comment from ducilla

A classic view! Composed with your usual flair and designed like one of my photographs.. I love the light misty fog on the water but even better is the long forground.. It is a good technique to keep the eyes interested and the viewer engaged.. It also seems to help get away from that old nemesis of a 50/50 landscape split...Nice creation Shawn...D.

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2010

Comment from Ross Albert

Of course, I like the detail in the grass and tree leaves, but what's most interesting about this piece is what's not there: an obvious center of interest. Rather, it is the entire scene that holds the interest. On first look, my eye is drawn to the grass in the foreground. But then, it travels up to the mist shrouded pond, which is really the psychological subject here, i.e., where the serenity lives. So, in this case, the slightly out-of-focus background is the center of interest. And unusual and beautiful piece, Shawn.

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2010

Comment from aircustom

This is a great landscape photo. I personally love fog so a little bit more coming off of the water would be better for me. I also think maybe a few variations in colors with the flowers.

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 Comment Written 09-Oct-2010

Comment from jgrace

This is beautiful. My favorite area is the grassy textures of the foreground. Also, like how there is a mist coming off the water in the background. All elements of this are wonderful and the lighting throughout makes it magical. I keep expecting to see a family of deer walking into the scene any minute. So realistic. Love it!

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2010

Comment from Beastmaster

If i had 6 stars to give you i would, this is fantastic. It's full of colour and tones, and the softness in the sky is great. I also love how you have the mist, there is just enough to say here i am, without dominating to much. Great work here, well done.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2010

Comment from Trippershots

Very, very nice. I love the way my eye is drawn into the misty background, but then drawn back to the details in the foreground. Usually I don't comment a lot on digital work not having a great understanding of what is involved, but I do know what I really like when I see it, regardless of discipline. This certainly works for me.

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 Comment Written 08-Oct-2010

Comment from raineyknightartwork

This really deserves a 6+ rating, but since my bucket is empty right now, on my own personal scale of 1-10 this receives a 12+

Initial Perception: Beautiful
Emotionally Charged: peaceful
Title: thought out
Artist Notes: included and helpful
Creativity: elaborate
Color Harmony: natures best
Center of Interest: the center horizon
Technique (category): Correct
Story Telling Ability: Yes
What Works Well? Overall composition, viewpoint, depth of field, depth of focus, and subject matter
Comments: outstanding work, like how the trees on each side direct the eye back to the horizon
Star Rating: 12+ / 6+
Per site scale (6=Exceptional, 5.5=Professional, 5=Expert (no revisions necessary) 4.5=Above Average, 4=Average)
Thank you for sharing. Rainey

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2010

Comment from virginian

Very nice artwork. Depth is good. Love the mist giving it that swampy feeling. Nice lighting and colors. The flowers popping up is a nice addition. The trees are well done in dark colors. 'Enjoyed.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2010

Comment from Daliant

This is a beautiful creation. Love the use of the two sets of trees to frame and create a balance in the image by their contrast of shape and form. The grass in the foreground adds a soft and whispy anchour to the overall image.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2010

Comment from Hansen3519

Wonderful image. I really enjoy how you have put in the little flowers. It adds such a nice little ton to the image and yet it doesn't take away at all from the wonderful detail,

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2010