Reviews from

Artist on PMS


40 total reviews 
Comment from Skyangel02

Well I see your wicked evil sense of humor in this work.
This is a very scary child.
;-) Don't let her anywhere near my art. LOL ;-)

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2013
    lol. thanks for the great review.
Comment from Kenneth Dinkel

This looks like a lot of wives which drives men to play golf or go fishing. The junk yard dog face show just how far women will go to get the check book. Great concept and rendering that inspires FEAR in the viewer.

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2013
    lol. thanks for the great review.
Comment from kimartist

You did this for me? How rude. Did you apply the Golden Rule when you made this passive-aggressively hostile piece? Do you want people to make passive-agreesively hostile works of art for you? This is how you treat people in your day-to-day life? You have no idea how juvenile & misogynistic this is?

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 Comment Written 17-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2013
    im sorry kim i have no idea what ur talking about..i said u gave me an inspiration and thanks u for that and wanted only ur review..this is not directed at no one in particular but u assume the shoe fits...well u can assume what u want but i do thank u for the still gives me points.wink. thanks for the review.
reply by kimartist on 17-Jul-2013
    What am I supposed to think? You specifically said I am the "inspiration" after getting mad at me for whatever you were mad about and then you "dedicate" this piece to the "artist" who "inspired" you (me) AND I just "happen" to be female AND I just "happen" to be kim-ARTIST = "Artist on PMS." How do you think it looks from my viewpoint? After 7 months of being attacked by numerous people on this website it's all getting very old. No wonder people shut down their accounts and disappear forever.
reply by the author on 17-Jul-2013
    ok sherlock holmes as u recall i said that instead of getting mad i use that energy in doing something constructive..i need something for the manga contest which is an illustration of exhagerated emotions..i thank u for that and figured u would have lighten up and looked at the comic and artictic value..apparrently ur not here to help and share artwork. i didnt join this site to be some petty peyton place chat room. if i offended u by the limited info then im sorry. i thought u were a lil more mature than trying to figure ways of trying to boot me out of here..i think working on ur artowrk and being constructive with others would be more benficial for u and eveyone else. this guy has learned to distance myself from you..i didnt like being in the bullseye last year and still dont understand why ur focusing on me this sure there are many here besides me to focus ur anger on. i hope it all works out for ya and hope u calm down and see the world is not against u.have a blessed day
reply by kimartist on 17-Jul-2013
    So you wouldn't be offended if I did an artwork of MKFlood using his raging case of jock itch (or STDs, or prostate cancer) as an excuse to destroy some precious artworks? And then posted it publicly with a dedication to the Sharpie artist who inspired me? You would be cool with that? And then if you wrote to me and objected to it, you wouldn't be offended if I told you how you need to stop being petty and have more of a sense of humor and maturity? So you're really saying that I can say or do any offensive thing to you and you won't be offended? Then why are you offended NOW?
Comment from marieann green

I know the feeling. Have two daughters.
Great fun drawing with you usual amount of talent showing through the humor.

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jul-2013
    lol..i have 5 daughters and 2 sisters. yeah been surrounded by females all my life, but i can proudly say i am thanks for the great review!
Comment from Dick Lee Shia

What is PMS? Per-menstrual Syndrome! LoL!
Amusing ponytail.
Looking like a wild horse run amok!
Shapely legs.
Nice inexpensive chastity belt!
Nice faded glory long pants cut short.
Great artworks backdrop.
Potential entry.
Good luck, my friend!

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jul-2013
    glad u got some. really the competition is on the creativty using the sharpies..u have keen eye bro..i have faith and will be waiting!winkthanks for the great review
Comment from david F

Ha Ha what next?? Brilliant , I just love the range of subjects that you tackle , you certainly put me to shame (and many others too i suspect ) , Very funny and very clever

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jul-2013
    hell as a kid i was a big fan of those tongue check shows, like benny hill to "r u being served" gang where they would present a light hearted cheeky approach on current issues of thier other words they r professional smartass..oh there is a long of smartass though out time. tracing back to the dinosuar age when one smartass caveman would easily convince the dumbass caveman to play chicken with a t rex. the dumbass cavemans last words were "hey watch this!" bout that for off the cuff..u know i can think of several chapters thru time of famous and not so famous smartass's including myself. im the guy who would have no problem breaking the ice with the crowd by annoucing i can lift 2 300lb women, one in each hand. i give it a few second watching different facial expressions ,then i would smile and ask "any volunteers?"evil grin. thanks bro for the great review!
reply by david F on 22-Jul-2013
    Ha Ha Brilliant (I may try that one myself )I'll just make sure I dont include my wife
Comment from trishgoody

Great notes MK but I must admit and only cos its you, that I'm completely "out to lunch" on the content of the notes. You see down here in the antipodes I've led a very insular life so none of those things you have mentioned have touched me thus far. Willing to be enlightened though!!
Now your art work is another thing I love what you bring to the table, its clever, well applied , great technique and so often" tongue in cheek" with a wicked sense of humor and an intuitive sense of what really makes things tick.
This one I reckon we can all relate to , wow she is taking PMS to its highest level! " Just don't get in my way anybody, or you're for the chop"
Great graphic , full of that mad , my paintings suck posture, Get out of my face!
Palpable, it's just brilliant!

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2013
    my all time idol is norman rockwell.. he will take the most simplest every day hohum of our life and capture that special moment of emotion..he kept to the light side of human emotion only, but his ability to create high impact of emotion made me always respect him and his work..the advantage we have in our day from his is we live in the information age..we dont just our surrounds. we r bombared with ads tv movies news...shoot i have a lifetime of things i can draw from being exposed to all of this..i just throw in my lil 2 cents worth opinion and i was born to be a smarttail..laughing sometimes is the best medicine. thanks for the excellent review.(bowing)
Comment from Mara del Mar

Wow! I love the sadistic smile, ha, ha!Seems look more things to break. Well composed and presented job, great color, facial expression and details. Good luck.

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jul-2013
    ok guilty as charged on both count! 1st yeah the girl is in my head that i tell the wife its her in the pic..(keeps out troube hint hint) the other is i was in the rent to own industry for almost a few decades and budget for advertisement was scarce so u have to learn to improvise to get peoples attention. i did work with this one company where to owner laid the whole, newspaper, radio and tv thing on me for a few years..yes i did 35 commercials(wrote,direct,act or voice over)did many layouts with flyers, etc. several live remotes for sale at one of our location..all hands on no schooling but got companies have updated software and kids a fraction of my age and they want a trying to see how far my sharpies take me.wink. thanks for the great review
Comment from MinoYasue

Thank you for history of Japanese Manga / anime. It has a very long history obviously because I am old and was group up with it.
The expression here has definitely element of Manga which emphasizes exaggeration. She really looks psycho. Well, this is not after me at least. I never destroy the artworks in such a manner what so ever.
The selection of the red for the hair and the face is good choice. It emphasizes the rage in her. Combining the color with her expression, the expression here seems to be over-the-top.
Good luck for the contest and thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2013
    thank u again and always honored by ur reviews..thanks so much!
Comment from Doris1022

is this manga? I have to do more study on it. lol I like the ax.
I felt that way last night. I had drawn all day yesterday and things were not going good. lol

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2013
    magna is an exhageration, of characters and emotions..not all look like dragonballz..or of my 2 favorite japamation is "ghost in a shell" and "metropolis". thanks for the great review!